Berkeley's Liberal Intolerance is about to bite them in the ass.


Well-Known Member
So you know what the masked mob did then now don't you. Did you know all Berkley pd had to do was require all protesters to remove masks per california law?

But but corporations.
Ha Ha Yea because peaceful protest isn't required.

How about putting your dividing wedge between Veterans benefits and Corporations building Islands in the So Pacific.


Well-Known Member
Why not lay low, let them all show up, then uppercut them? I guess it's better to be a chickenshit and scare them all away before they even show up.


Well-Known Member
Never underestimate weaponized autism.
I cannot deny its effectiveness. It gives me hope for the future, oddly; at least as far as pooling beneficial capacities are concerned in what can be colloquially termed 'Open-Source Investigation'.
But like the case of 'white hats' and 'black hats', it can be double-edged.


Well-Known Member
Dude get a grip. Youre trying to justify communists in the black bloc shutting down free speech by fucking up your lovely city. I will be at the Durant in a few weeks. Fix your city by then please.
No, I'm trying to open your eyes to the rest of the world.
You are trying to set my home on fire. Why?


Well-Known Member
Why did Italy lose the war?
Because too much of the fighting happened at they couldn't hear the commands.

Some people are perpetually dumb and easily duped.

View attachment 3933301
there are nazis on video at berkeley saying exactly what the white power hand signal means. it means white power.

but i suppose you can just deny it like you do climate change.
Why do you belittle my rights? Milo's visit: 34 arrests, 39 injuries and property damage totaling at least $100,000.
Now you sound like the Communist.
What right of yours was violated when the communist black bloc caused all that damage in your town while obstructing milos 1st amendment right in your example guy?


Well-Known Member
What right of yours was violated when the communist black bloc caused all that damage in your town while obstructing milos 1st amendment right in your example guy?
there is no first amendment right to hate speech, neo-nazi spammer.

why are you defending a pedophile?


Well-Known Member
Define hate speech in Law, I'll wait.
outing trans students until they are harassed so badly that they drop out, targeting undocumented students for deportation, stuff like that.

not protected speech, twopump.

stop defending pedophiles otherwise everyone here is gonna know you as "that pedophile guy" (not robroy).
Why do I feel like a Afghan Goat farmer right now?
Idk what you mean dude, I'm listening if you care to explain. I like Berkeley though dude I visit a lot so I just want to see your town do right and be treated right. And the students there deserve to have diversity of opinion and speakers too man I mean you know constitution and shit.


Well-Known Member
Idk what you mean dude, I'm listening if you care to explain. I like Berkeley though dude I visit a lot so I just want to see your town do right and be treated right. And the students there deserve to have diversity of opinion and speakers too man I mean you know constitution and shit.
i bet you visit there a lot, and get your nazi ass beat to the ground by anti-fascists.

berkeley has plenty of diversity of opinion, your nazi propaganda is not needed, twopump.
outing trans students until they are harassed so badly that they drop out, targeting undocumented students for deportation, stuff like that.

not protected speech, twopump.

stop defending pedophiles otherwise everyone here is gonna know you as "that pedophile guy" (not robroy).
The middle finger is protected speech, threats are not, both are hateful.

You are woefully misinformed.


Well-Known Member
The middle finger is protected speech, threats are not, both are hateful.

You are woefully misinformed.
tell me again how harassing someone so badly that they are forced to drop out of school is protected speech.

also, please keep defending the pedophile, ya pedophile.


Well-Known Member
Idk what you mean dude, I'm listening if you care to explain. I like Berkeley though dude I visit a lot so I just want to see your town do right and be treated right. And the students there deserve to have diversity of opinion and speakers too man I mean you know constitution and shit.
Ann is suppose to be smart, why is she and you willing to have my house burn? When she could speak elsewhere, safer?