best auto outdoors


Well-Known Member
If you where going to breed autoflowers for a mid summer gorilla harvest what would it be? would you cross 2 different strains or just pollenate a single stain for seeds? I want a bunch of auto seeds for a mid summer gorilla harvest and cant justify spending 5-10$ per seed given the amount i wanna germinate and with the amount i expect to loose. Things like no mold, high yield and reliable finishing times are highly valued! Any experience or pics from previous years is appreciated!:lol: Thanks RIU

Po boy

Well-Known Member
i've grown northern lights autos outside in really hot and humid conditions. tough plant with good yields and smoke. GL


Well-Known Member
Kannabia Special gets my vote..a good yield for an auto..had problems with mold and but rot with other strain but not the special. And the smoke is tasty and strong.