$$$$$$$$!!!Best cash cropp!!!!!$$$$$$


Well-Known Member
What is your market?? I think that is the real question. Do you have people that would buy anything purple no matter what, regaurdless of the potency? Do you have people that would rather have more bud than danker bud? Grow some big bud or other heavy strain. Do you have people that just want the best of the best of the best? Grow something crazy that you have never heard of or seen before.

Either way if it is your first or second grow, you may not want to count on the maximum yeild of each plant to pay your rent in the comming months. You know, one could die, or growin from seed, on could herm, or intersex, or be male.

Its all about your market though. If you want to sell it to a co op, grow your self some OG, bubba, purple kush, or something along those lines. They pay and charge an arm and a leg.


Well-Known Member
try thc bomb great yeilds:D
but potency is better than yield bra. You want a strain thats strong and can yield.

Big bud can go for like 300-400(max) a ounce.
While a great white strain like WW can go for 500+ cause it's good weed and people can make 840 off of it.
good advice, but you can see what I am saying right here. I personally know a lot of people that consume mj. I don't really know anyone that will buy a zone for 500 plus though. No matter how good it is. We just have so much of it going around that no on will pay that. Clubs are not even charging that much anymore. But if you know 4-5 people that will buy an oz off you every 2 weeks for 500 dollars, then well, you would make a killing.

See on the other hand I do know 8 people that would buy an 8th of Big Bud for 50 bux. That makes 400 dollars an oz no problem.


Well-Known Member
good advice, but you can see what I am saying right here. I personally know a lot of people that consume mj. I don't really know anyone that will buy a zone for 500 plus though. No matter how good it is. We just have so much of it going around that no on will pay that. Clubs are not even charging that much anymore. But if you know 4-5 people that will buy an oz off you every 2 weeks for 500 dollars, then well, you would make a killing.

See on the other hand I do know 8 people that would buy an 8th of Big Bud for 50 bux. That makes 400 dollars an oz no problem.
That's how it is here bruh, people tax because it's good shit and people can make their money off of it. It's not like that with everyone but it's in that ball park. People throw that money when you say it's some official and when they smell it.

Damn I ain't seen you in a minute i thought you dipped, put up your grow diary link:)


Well-Known Member
i have heard that ppp has the same characteristics as big bud in that it has huge yields but that it is a little more potent. Is this true?


Well-Known Member
How About just pick a strain that you like or your people and apply some techniques to your grow. Like LST,Scrog,Super Cropping etc. Those techniques seem to multipy yields by great amounts.


Well-Known Member
im telling you that i have heard nothing but good things about white rhino....it is potent and it really fucks people up and like it gets pretty decent yields and its a 8wk harvest capable but if you wait that extra week youll have rock hard buds and it comes feminised so oyu dont have to worry about wasting time and space on some god damn males!