Johnny Lawrence
Well-Known Member
That is a really good idea though, that way you dont gotta worry about any leaks in the main tent. Do you just vent through those too? does the extra tents keep heat in any more than just 1 tent?
I do wish I was able to open up a 2nd side on the 4x4. makes it kind of a pain in the ass to do anything near the back. So much larf right now :/ I got it figured for next go around though.
I have 2 tents in flowering, both Secret Jardins, so they're high quality fairly light proof from the factory. But yeah, I just buy the poly by the foot from the local grow shop, measure the sides and top. Use Gorilla Tape to secure the whole thing and it comes out really clean looking
On the bigger tent, a 4x8, the left side is about 2 feet from a framed and dry walled flowering room, so it's already nice and dark back there. This is the side I vent from, so I made poly sorta flaps(?) to allow the ducting and the plumbing from the reservoir through. I cut two equal length pieces for the front, each one a couple inches too long so that they overlap just a bit. The front pieces are held in place with binder clips, so that you can completely remove them when you need full access to the doors of the tent. Usually, I can just open them halfway and get into the tent just fine.