Best Drying Method


Well-Known Member
Right..but if your hang drying...should you trim the buds to where you want them to be when you smoke or should you leave them "as is" with only the "flowering leaves" still around/attached to them.

Do the nutrients from the flowering leaves drain into the buds when hang drying?? or steal the nutrients.

Haven't heard a clear answer on this yet? someone? please..
I hang them as is, trim them when they are nearly snap stem on the big stems.... then do the curing process.


Well-Known Member
trimming before drying is just a lot easier - the leaves are not all curled up and weak - it is much easier to snap or snip a fresh leaf/stem..


Active Member
Thanks guys... I'll definitely trim them well before I hang dry them :]

Hash makin questioNN--
What parts of the plant can you use for hash. Can I just chop the whole fuckin thing down and shove the plant in a blender with ice and filter it to make hash...seriously..can I?