Best, easy to find PH down


I was wondering if there is a cheaper alternative to the aquarium ph down that can be found at common retailers?


I was wondering if there is a cheaper alternative to the aquarium ph down that can be found at common retailers?
White vinegar is widely available and, when used with a PH meter like the Milwaukee PH600, an easy way to drop the pH of your plants' water supply.

For pH up, you can use baking soda with your pH meter.

Are these the most amazing, uber-effective pH up and down? Perhaps not, but these do work well with MMJ grows (speaking from experience), they are cheap and they do not look suspicious when buying. All of those are good things to the guerrilla grower on a budget. :)

Good luck.


Active Member
pH up and down are cheap at hydro stores, cheaper then the aquarium ones. Plus, I dont think the chemicals in the aquarium are right for plants.

From what I see online, the most common ph down is sodium bisulfate. Too much sulfer can never be a good thing.

Illegal Smile

Aquarium ph down sucks. I've seen it fail to move pH at all no matter how much you add. GH makes a good one, it does a better job of stabilization. Even if you have to mail order it, it's worth it.


New Member
pH down is a combination of Phosphoric acid and Nitric acid. Using just one instead of both is fine. The commercial mix is 33% phosphoric acid and 11.5% Nitric acid. Both are available on eBay cheap. I use phosphoric acid.

Vinegar is OK for emergendcies but is not good for long term use as it is short lived. It turns to an acetate fairly quickly.

Besides lowering the pH phosphoric acid will add phosphorus and Nitric acid will add nitrogen.