best hydro system for small grow (newbie) to hydro not sure what to go with


i was wondering what hydro syatem would be best for a grow box i beleave i will be builbing my box 4'dx3'wx5'.5tall what would best fit this area


Active Member
I choose to go the flood drain method. Very cheap to build and you can use ordinary products to build. Go look at my album to see my project. 2x2x5.5 all that you see there cost about 20.00 to buy and I have the res I bought thats not there as well. Those tubs are from dollar tree. LOL Its not done but you get the idea. Drip systems are very easy to set up as well. About as simple as you can get is the bubbleponics system though. Nice thing about home made hydro systems is they can be built to the space you need.

Is your grow going to be split into flower /veg? What size light you going with? Whats your budget? I might be able to give more help with a little more info.


as og right now im working on building ideas i beleave i will have it 4 ft wide 5.5 ft tall 3 ft deep split one section in that to a small clone area so my flowering area will only be 3 ft wide and one section will be a ft wide by 3 ft deep im drawing plans on google sketchup after i get proper dimensions of all my stuff im putting in has of right now my shoping list is 6 in inline fan for intake 6 in grow bright filter and fan combo from htg supply and a lumatek digi ballast 400w with easy cool reflector trying to figure out bedt hydro system for this setup just for personall use dont need many plants


Member what about that kit would that work ? i dont no if i wanna tackle the do it yourself thing dont wanna fuck it up....and i was looking for books on how to but could not find one i bought the closet cultivater to get an idea on a few setups waiting for it to arrive but i wanna hurry up and buy my shit lol so let me kno what you think of this better pic of unit


Well-Known Member
THose would work,I cannot say I know anyone that has used those.You can also build an ebb and flow system yourself.Multi purpose tray from home depot as your grow tray,tote as the reservoir also sold at home depot,ebb and flow kit sold online or local hydro store,hydroton at you local hydro store,pump you can buy online,you will also need ph,ppm,meter.I also have a book on general hydroponics and how to build your own systems,pm if you are interesred I can e-mail you an e-copy.Even if you don't build it yourself the book has all kind of info on hydroponics.


i bought tweo totes one 41 qt tote 34 3/4 x 16 1/2 x 6 and the other is a 90 qt same dimensions so one fits into another would these work for four plkants?


Well-Known Member
what method of growing are you gonna use to grow??,those totes can be used for dwc,aero,top feed or different methods combined if you know how to diy.That book shows you how to make different type of set ups,most involve totes.


Well-Known Member
dont take this the wrong way im no an asshole just been there done that and passing info on to help others.

If you dont have a grow or 3 in soil/soiless mix under your belt you should not i repeat should not start out using hydroponics.i have grown a few times in dirt and am pretty good with it. Well my brother and i started an indoor together and he wanted to do hydroponics. i begged him not to but couldnt change his mind. atleast i talked him in to doing the simpliest set-up you could. an ebb & flow/Flood &drain. ur space seems really small exspecialy for using hydroponics. because it causes them to grow faster and bigger and you dont want bigger in that small of a space. just consider using some pots and foxfarms or promix or something learn to grow b4 you jump into something complicated. The point of this story is after all was said an done he wished he had wwent with a soil grow his first couple times. hydroponics is not for beginers not saying it cant be done an done well by a first timer. its just alot to learn. and you have to know the basics. good luck andd good growing


dont take this the wrong way im no an asshole just been there done that and passing info on to help others.

If you dont have a grow or 3 in soil/soiless mix under your belt you should not i repeat should not start out using hydroponics.i have grown a few times in dirt and am pretty good with it. Well my brother and i started an indoor together and he wanted to do hydroponics. i begged him not to but couldnt change his mind. atleast i talked him in to doing the simpliest set-up you could. an ebb & flow/Flood &drain. ur space seems really small exspecialy for using hydroponics. because it causes them to grow faster and bigger and you dont want bigger in that small of a space. just consider using some pots and foxfarms or promix or something learn to grow b4 you jump into something complicated. The point of this story is after all was said an done he wished he had wwent with a soil grow his first couple times. hydroponics is not for beginers not saying it cant be done an done well by a first timer. its just alot to learn. and you have to know the basics. good luck andd good growing
what a fucking jkjkjk thanks i wouldnt ever tart out with hydro tho ur right not a gtood idea but i have grown a few very good plants in soil with fluros lol.....growing isnt a hard thing for me i got a green thu
some what my area will be okay for hydro i belive espically if i get a lowrider or top them or lst ya kno u can make a bush not a tree lol it will be 3 ft by 3 ft which will be plenty of space for 4 hydroponic plants dont you think? or is that still to small? im gunna have a four hundred hps light in there heres a pics of what i will be making mmy ebb and flow system out of after i make it light proof :joint:



Member what about that kit would that work ? i dont no if i wanna tackle the do it yourself thing dont wanna fuck it up....and i was looking for books on how to but could not find one i bought the closet cultivater to get an idea on a few setups waiting for it to arrive but i wanna hurry up and buy my shit lol so let me kno what you think of this better pic of unit
I just bought one of these systems. I bought this for the same reason you were intersted. Size and the whole kit in a box. I haven't used it yet because I'm starting everything from scratch.

I have however assembled it and tested it out. I find that this system needs some mods for it to be perfect. For instance, the overflow tube gasket doesn't fit tightly around the hole so when used with the overflow tube, the thing is just barely on there and too much water seeps through the gasket. I modified it by putting a zip tie around the gasket when the bottom is through the hole. This works great and the overflow tube is on nice and snug.

Although you need to make some mods for this to work out good, I like the system. Its a complete system that comes with everything you need to grow your first garden. Well, it doesn't come with PH up or down. I do recommend this unit if your not afraid of some pretty simple mods.

I was planning on taking some pics of my first grow and if you want, I'll take some pics of the mods I think are necessary to make this unit great. I also want to show everybody my killer (well, I think its killer) CFL reflector.


i thought ebb and flow was also really easy correct causer before i got to read all these post i got equiment for a ebb and flow system
gunna build that tommorow i built my closet today