best hydro system for small grow (newbie) to hydro not sure what to go with


Well-Known Member
I use botanicare line products myself+humboldts own Gravity and Purple Maxx for flowering..,,..,.,.,,Advanced nutrients,.,.,.,.Dutch master


Well-Known Member
go with something simple and easy i use the humbolt line myself. but whatever you decide make sure to get a full feeding chart/schedule from your grow shop or off the companys website. there is really no such thing as a 2 part or 3 part nut/feeding program. you still need other additives and stuff. without them youll be right back on here asking why are my leaves doing this ? or why does my plant look retarted? belive me been there done that and still dealing with the last few now. and also still buying everything i need to start over. its expensive i dont care what nutes you choose. to have everything you need its expensive and very very worh it! Good Luck & Good Growing
I used this thread to build a really awesome aero system. I'd recommend this.

Hey yo miss69. I was reading the same DIY thread last night and tempted to try it. But I have a 6'w x 4'd space to fill so I was thinking of putting three bins side by side under two 600 HPS lights.

Did this guy ever get ANYWHERE CLOSE to the yield he was talking in the beginning? I read a lot but couldn't finish it. I'm just trying to pump out as many lbs. as I can with my 6x4 space.

How is yours working for you? How many sites do you have in each 2x4 tub? Lights?

I was originally gonna go Ebb&Flow but the Aero is tempting...

One last question: how loud is the system when the pumps are on? I'm working out of my bedroom closet and don't really want to hear it much...

Thx - MV