Best Kind Of Legal Spice Bud (Not That Online Crap)


Well-Known Member
kinda like K2..but personally i dont like k2..i like buddah budz or "flame" strawberry fields...any1 try any of these or any other kind...please put ur input...and ppl please dont talk about that legalbudscom not talkin about that...ty


Active Member
It's like saying Ben Affleck started in Dazed & Confused, it's nonsense, facts show other wise. You have to realize, if the world wasn't made up of what it's made up of, then the world would be different... as for K2 & all that shit your talking about, never tried the social network, have you? Welcome to R.I.U. anywhere311...1.....1..1.1.......11.


Active Member
LMAO! Brilliant! I had a bet with my gf right now that if I respond to any thread she tells me to with the most off topic, random thing, with nothing to do with the op & added in "Welcome to R.I.U." they wouldn't care about anything but that part, which you did, aha. That was cool... probably not to you though.


Well-Known Member
lol thats pretty sure it would have been alot funnier if I COULD STILL SMOKE WEED !!!... but yea as soon as i read that nothin else u said mattered lol


Active Member
Personally i havent smoked any "spice" but i have friends and dudes at work that are on probation and they buy this shit from our headshop its owned my Arabs. And one day i was in there and buying some rice papers and i was checkin out and i seen he had this shit hidden it looked like a bud. So since i spend atleast 500 a year i figured id ask him he knows me ive smoked with him so he trust me. And he showed me it and didnt smell really much of anythin cept maybe a flower, but it wasnt like the wizard weed or any of that spice crap thats mixed with 50 different things and is puttin ppl in the hospital. This shit was a bud not shake just a solid bud he told me gives u a real head high and has some ingredient simalar to thc. And said hes making a killing on it because everyone on probation is buying it cuz it dosent show up on a drug test. The only flaw that i saw was that it was 60 a GRAM yes thats right fuckin 60 a gram. If it wasnt so expense id buy it to try but i got the real thing so why waste the cash. But he hides it under the counter only shows ppl he trust guess its not really legal or illegal in that gray area. But DO NOT buy any of that K2 do your research brother always research that shit can REALLY REALLY fuck your ass up. Good Luck and be safe DO RESEARCH


New Member
LMAO! Brilliant! I had a bet with my gf right now that if I respond to any thread she tells me to with the most off topic, random thing, with nothing to do with the op & added in "Welcome to R.I.U." they wouldn't care about anything but that part, which you did, aha. That was cool... probably not to you though.
Could be a true story if you weren't gay.