Best Plant Regimen/Nutrients/lighting conditions for potent marijuana?


Well-Known Member
Im looking for experienced growers just willing to post what nutrients and lighting and conditions that you use for the best yield and potency. Im having trouble getting both.

I am sure people have posted similar threads before, but I am in the middle of a grow about 4 weeks into flowering and need some help. I have a few years of experience growing indoors and outdoors, but every year I seem to get random results. This is my first grow using "real strains" I got from The Attitude seed bank. I am using BMO "blue mountain organics" nutrients they are only found on ebay, recommended by people on rollitup. I use a nextgen 600w/400w HPS ballast with Enhanced spec Hortilux eye bulbs. I was using the 600w bulb which didnt seem to get as bright as my 400w in the same ballast, cant figure that out. I also have the full fox farm line of nutes incluing the concentrates like cha ching and beastie blooms which I have given the plants a few times, thats what i used to use. The BMO stuff is all organic and I was questioning its potency. I also have diamond nector and molasses, which I used very little of. I also never use the above nutrients save the BMO ones in full doses because of nutrient burn from previous grows. I harvested an autoflower roadrunner a few weeks ago and it looked great when I cut it down, it dried really strange though and has a very strange smoke not to tasty, but gets you high.. My main issue now is my plants to seem be getting bulk but they seem to be losing Potency or just the Smell? I really would like to improve my potency this grow since im growing Super Lemon haze, Blue cheese, Hash Plant haze, White Widow x2. Last grows I just relied on the luck of the draw form a mass germination of middies seeds, which worked pretty well one of my grows, but came out horrible a few other times. Any experienced growers can help me to improve my potency or yield id greatly appreciate it. I am using fox farm happy frog soil mixed it 1/3 coarse perlite and a little bit of ocean forest. Its pretty much the only soil I can get other than miracle grow at the moment. I Ph my water to 6.3 when watering with plain water, and the nutes usually get it to around 6.3 when i water with nutes every other watering. And i water the plants every 2 days. I have power issues that i think prevent my 600w light from reaching full brightness so i scaled down to my 400w HPS. Im posting pictures of my current grow if anyone can offer up some sort of better nutrients to use or something I can do. The plants look great at the moment except my blue cheese plant seems to be getting some nute burn by its top cola. My temps stay below 82F near the tops of the buds. I have more to say and ill be posting some pics in a moment.



Active Member
Your grow looks pretty good, given the conditions that you listed.

You have to remember, potency is a trait of the strain, it has nothing to do with how well it's grown (unless you absolutely butcher it, which it doesn't look like you are). Yield can vary based on nutes and lighting. I currently enjoy doing half LED half HPS. It started as a way to keep heat down, but it really seems to pump out some sticky, dense buds. For nutes, I use AN's Sensi Bloom A/B, Kushie Kush, Sensizyme, and Humbolt Countrys Snow Storm Ultra. I also hit it with some organic tea every once in a while, to make sure all the enzymes and micro in the soil are still alive.


Well-Known Member
Thanks I am always so scared that my harvest will not turn out proper since the last 3 harvest I had were all fluffy big buds that barely had a taste and didnt get anyone high at all. This time I wanna make sure that doesnt happen. So hopefully these strains are real the Super lemon haze is from greenhouse and has apparently won the cannabis cup 2 years in a row, and i sampled most of the other strains im growing in amsterdam.


Active Member
Thanks I am always so scared that my harvest will not turn out proper since the last 3 harvest I had were all fluffy big buds that barely had a taste and didnt get anyone high at all. This time I wanna make sure that doesnt happen. So hopefully these strains are real the Super lemon haze is from greenhouse and has apparently won the cannabis cup 2 years in a row, and i sampled most of the other strains im growing in amsterdam.
To get them to thicken up, try upping the P and K in the last couple weeks before flushing. Molasses can help, I've been told. Also, a teaspoon sugar per gallon of water during one or two waterings in the last couple weeks has been said to help as well. I think that both the sugar and the molasses are just ways of getting quick carbohydrates to the plant and getting carbs to the bacteria and micro in the soil. But, too much can cause root rot. Always feed in moderation.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for your input LEDgrowking Do you think the fox farm open sesame, beastie blooms, and cha ching concentrates I have would do good for upping the P and K? the NPK value is 5-45-19 on the 1st, 0-50-30 on the 2nd, and 9-50-10 on the last. I never really used those in full strength though as I had nutrient burn from a passed grow but I was them since the beginning of flowering that grow. I can also try some molasses I have unsulphured molasses.