Best Prices For San Pedro


Active Member
im thinking about ordering a small cactus for some....looking but anyway i found what i think is a good deal on ebay its a 23 inch cutting for like $20 plus $10 for shipping does anybody know if this is a good deal of if there is a better place to get a good size cactus for not a lot of cash?


Well-Known Member
I don't know about prices your side of the ocean, but try and ensure its a tip cutting...


Active Member
what is the difference between the tip cutting and well any other cutting? besides im assuming it being at the top of the plant


Well-Known Member
ITS always best to get as much info about the cacti as possible... overdried shit is the worse and the yield will be horrible... does ebay seller know how many grams it weighs/kilo?


Active Member
the weight is not listed on this one which is why i haven bought it because i have seen a bunch of like 12" to 15" cuttings for more money than this one and i didnt want to get a dried out almost dead cactus....


Well-Known Member
the weight is not listed on this one which is why i haven bought it because i have seen a bunch of like 12" to 15" cuttings for more money than this one and i didnt want to get a dried out almost dead cactus....
We want thriving cactuses full of MESCALINE ;)


Well-Known Member
Wellthink about it... if you get a mid section piece it ain't gona get taller.. it will make offshoots (pups)... Also sometimes its hard to identify which side is top... the roots will only grow from one side :P

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
Wellthink about it... if you get a mid section piece it ain't gona get taller.. it will make offshoots (pups)... Also sometimes its hard to identify which side is top... the roots will only grow from one side :P
Yeah, we ended up with a middle piece, it grew 'the three amigos' if you just leave it laying around it will grow the extra parts on its own, so you'll know... just plant it after it's grown some and you can tell which end.


Active Member
Some people take it to the next level.


I know someone who has way more than this haha. The food disposal is a good idea, but you want to use a juicer, and keep the temperature as cold as possible. The warmer the shit gets, the slimier it gets, and it is harder to work with. If it gets slimy, just put it in the freezer and put the cup of juice in the fridge. Continue when the cactus has solidified. Wear thicker gloves or something that block heat transferrence to make it easier. Once finished, put the cup in the fridge and allow the scum to separate from the watery juice, and the mescaline falls to the bottom. Carefully get rid of all of that nasty scum. It has a bunch of active mescaline in it, but it is nasty as fuck and trust me, it can be discarded. Notice in the glass that there is a yellowish-green liquid with lime green sediment. <CRITICAL You want to sort of chug as fast as you are able WITHOUT getting ANY AIR or BUBBLES in your chug. CRITICAL>

The dreaded burps WILL make you puke if you chug down any amount of air. the snotty, chunky, bitter mucosa will bubble back up your throat and it makes me want to puke just typing this and thinking about it.


The rewards of the consumption of this is so worth it! Now, this is not your average fuck with while drunk type of stuff. Nope. You gotta respect this motherfucker. Cause if you dont, youll have a boot the size of texas in your ass, a splitting headache, panic trip, whatever, horrible. You prepare for the San Pedro or Trichocerus Bridgesii. MUST have an empty stomach. Cactus makes you not want to eat, calm. You will want some water to get rid of that nasty funk. DO NOT SMOKE WEED. WEED gives you the munchies and for this trip, munchies is undesirable.

If you choose to trip inside, IMHO it is a bad idea. You tend to have a more nervewracking trip. You tend to notice everything in extreme detail. You notice every flaw in every facet of your life if you try to focus, just because you noticed a stain on the wall... then noticed ALL of the stains on the wall, then ALL of the stains in the room, ALL at ONCE... then you notice the figurative stains on your life, your shames and doubts, fears, your beliefs... shit is DEEP. So if you think, heh im gunna ride the ti, and its gunna be the shit... yeah.. prepare for a long 12-16 hours.

[Bridgesii sent me to Peru, and that trip really grounded me. Weed was the beginning of the search for knowledge and eternal questioning, then mushrooms allowed me to explore another realm of the mind. But this cactus is really the beginning of a new part of my life. ]

If you go OUTSIDE, however, you will be absolutely amazed. Begin around 8-10am. I suggest you consume 8-16oz of well-chilled (2-6 hours) juice [depending on size. 16oz for 200lbs. 8oz for 100lbs], with honey to coat the inside of mouth if necessary. Entertain yourself until you start to feel jittery, anxious... like tapping your fingers or looking around. You will notice if youre looking for it. It made me laugh. At that point, GO OUTSIDE. Your trip simply going through the door will become interesting. Your body might feel a little wierd, but youll notice immediately that you can focus on every leaf on all the trees all at once. You can watch birds fly by as if you have an NFL fly-by camera tracking them. You can see ants on the brick 15 feet away, or a squirrel 200yards away. You can look at the night time sky and see so many more stars, and focus on a lot of them all at once. This enables you to see everything that moves, from planes to UFOS to comets and space trash, or whatever else.

This is truly a wonderful plant, along with Marijuana and Mushrooms and any other psychotropic.

Your price sounds like a normal one, but if you get an inferior piece and the seller wont replace it, you can pot them and they are relatively easy to take care of in comparison to marijuana. and legal too lol. When I went to Peru, I had tripped the ti on three occasions, two of which kicked my ass before I learned how to harness it. I saw a mountainside with enough cactus to chill out an entire city of 60,000 for 12-16 hours. Later on I was able to trip with a shaman with my family, but that is personal experience ;) Wonderful blossoming of a new me. I think it was everything I needed, and now I can see things in a whole new light. I had asked for Knowledge, Understanding, and Acceptance for the fact that indeed one person can make a difference, one person at a time.

I do believe my wishes have been coming true.

Bon Voyage when you take your journey, just keep in the back of your mind that you can control your trip, you are ALWAYS in control. If you need something its the matrix, just think about it. Your mind is never a trap. ;) Its so crazy looking at your foot from legs length away, and being able to focus on the flow of your own blood in the veins of your feet. Or being able to see the willow tree actually respirating. Damn. I need a trip.


Well-Known Member
Some people take it to the next level.

I know someone who has way more than this haha. The food disposal is a good idea, but you want to use a juicer, and keep the temperature as cold as possible. The warmer the shit gets, the slimier it gets, and it is harder to work with. If it gets slimy, just put it in the freezer and put the cup of juice in the fridge. Continue when the cactus has solidified. Wear thicker gloves or something that block heat transferrence to make it easier. Once finished, put the cup in the fridge and allow the scum to separate from the watery juice, and the mescaline falls to the bottom. Carefully get rid of all of that nasty scum. It has a bunch of active mescaline in it, but it is nasty as fuck and trust me, it can be discarded. Notice in the glass that there is a yellowish-green liquid with lime green sediment. <CRITICAL You want to sort of chug as fast as you are able WITHOUT getting ANY AIR or BUBBLES in your chug. CRITICAL>

The dreaded burps WILL make you puke if you chug down any amount of air. the snotty, chunky, bitter mucosa will bubble back up your throat and it makes me want to puke just typing this and thinking about it.


The rewards of the consumption of this is so worth it! Now, this is not your average fuck with while drunk type of stuff. Nope. You gotta respect this motherfucker. Cause if you dont, youll have a boot the size of texas in your ass, a splitting headache, panic trip, whatever, horrible. You prepare for the San Pedro or Trichocerus Bridgesii. MUST have an empty stomach. Cactus makes you not want to eat, calm. You will want some water to get rid of that nasty funk. DO NOT SMOKE WEED. WEED gives you the munchies and for this trip, munchies is undesirable.

If you choose to trip inside, IMHO it is a bad idea. You tend to have a more nervewracking trip. You tend to notice everything in extreme detail. You notice every flaw in every facet of your life if you try to focus, just because you noticed a stain on the wall... then noticed ALL of the stains on the wall, then ALL of the stains in the room, ALL at ONCE... then you notice the figurative stains on your life, your shames and doubts, fears, your beliefs... shit is DEEP. So if you think, heh im gunna ride the ti, and its gunna be the shit... yeah.. prepare for a long 12-16 hours.

[Bridgesii sent me to Peru, and that trip really grounded me. Weed was the beginning of the search for knowledge and eternal questioning, then mushrooms allowed me to explore another realm of the mind. But this cactus is really the beginning of a new part of my life. ]

If you go OUTSIDE, however, you will be absolutely amazed. Begin around 8-10am. I suggest you consume 8-16oz of well-chilled (2-6 hours) juice [depending on size. 16oz for 200lbs. 8oz for 100lbs], with honey to coat the inside of mouth if necessary. Entertain yourself until you start to feel jittery, anxious... like tapping your fingers or looking around. You will notice if youre looking for it. It made me laugh. At that point, GO OUTSIDE. Your trip simply going through the door will become interesting. Your body might feel a little wierd, but youll notice immediately that you can focus on every leaf on all the trees all at once. You can watch birds fly by as if you have an NFL fly-by camera tracking them. You can see ants on the brick 15 feet away, or a squirrel 200yards away. You can look at the night time sky and see so many more stars, and focus on a lot of them all at once. This enables you to see everything that moves, from planes to UFOS to comets and space trash, or whatever else.

This is truly a wonderful plant, along with Marijuana and Mushrooms and any other psychotropic.

Your price sounds like a normal one, but if you get an inferior piece and the seller wont replace it, you can pot them and they are relatively easy to take care of in comparison to marijuana. and legal too lol. When I went to Peru, I had tripped the ti on three occasions, two of which kicked my ass before I learned how to harness it. I saw a mountainside with enough cactus to chill out an entire city of 60,000 for 12-16 hours. Later on I was able to trip with a shaman with my family, but that is personal experience ;) Wonderful blossoming of a new me. I think it was everything I needed, and now I can see things in a whole new light. I had asked for Knowledge, Understanding, and Acceptance for the fact that indeed one person can make a difference, one person at a time.

I do believe my wishes have been coming true.

Bon Voyage when you take your journey, just keep in the back of your mind that you can control your trip, you are ALWAYS in control. If you need something its the matrix, just think about it. Your mind is never a trap. ;) Its so crazy looking at your foot from legs length away, and being able to focus on the flow of your own blood in the veins of your feet. Or being able to see the willow tree actually respirating. Damn. I need a trip.[/QUOTE]

For the bigger bulk look at this shit ;)


Well-Known Member
This is very exciting and beautiful for me to discover. I've been interested in peyote but didn't think I'd have the opportunity to acquire or cultivate any. As I understand it, the San Pedro cactus has many of the same active alkaloids, but is faster growing and is entirely legal. Is this true?

If I were to order a rooted cactus from a site linked in an above post, what would be my steps to cultivate and cherish this plant? Would this be a good route to go for a first time experience with cactus cultivation? If there's any good step-by-step info about this already available, even just pointing me towards it would help me out. qptyqpty, i really appreciate your above post it was great for me to read about.


Well-Known Member
This is very exciting and beautiful for me to discover. I've been interested in peyote but didn't think I'd have the opportunity to acquire or cultivate any. As I understand it, the San Pedro cactus has many of the same active alkaloids, but is faster growing and is entirely legal. Is this true?

If I were to order a rooted cactus from a site linked in an above post, what would be my steps to cultivate and cherish this plant? Would this be a good route to go for a first time experience with cactus cultivation? If there's any good step-by-step info about this already available, even just pointing me towards it would help me out. qptyqpty, i really appreciate your above post it was great for me to read about.
What's unique about peyote is the different psychoactive alkaloids it contains... peyote has more of a twist ;)


Well-Known Member
This is very exciting and beautiful for me to discover. I've been interested in peyote but didn't think I'd have the opportunity to acquire or cultivate any. As I understand it, the San Pedro cactus has many of the same active alkaloids, but is faster growing and is entirely legal. Is this true?

If I were to order a rooted cactus from a site linked in an above post, what would be my steps to cultivate and cherish this plant? Would this be a good route to go for a first time experience with cactus cultivation? If there's any good step-by-step info about this already available, even just pointing me towards it would help me out. qptyqpty, i really appreciate your above post it was great for me to read about.
I've bought several rooted San Pedro's and Peruvian Torch's.
I just planted in cacti/citrus soil I got at the garden center. In a ceramic pot.
Cacti are easy to take care of. they are hard to kill. you can neglect them and they will survive.
Mine have survived a few winters(mild in my area) outdoors, including several freezes.
I've heard they can survive harsher winters than I am use to.
they can be planted outside in the ground if good drainage is provided.San Pedro is faster growing than Peyote and legal.
However once you consume it or prepare it for consumption it becomes illegal. San Pedro does contain less mescaline. So more must be consumed than Peyote.

I would say San Pedro is good for first time cactus growers.
For More info check out erowid

And here is a cacti related board: lots of info.