Best sativa for scrog?


Active Member
hi all, im growing indoors so i can have a big un' but i do want to scrog a pure sativa like malawi gold, or any landrace strain or c99 or dr grinspoon, ive heard sativa's are hard to train, whats peoples experience with scrogging sativa's any that respond very well to topping lsting ect?

EDIT i cant have big un'


Well-Known Member
Well Jenny, you can scrog a sativa, you just have to take into account the longer lifespan of the plant. The stretch will be longer as well, so you'll have to balance the size of screen you want to fill in with the amount of veg and stretch growth a sativa has. That knowledge is gained by experience in your room with your equipment.

What kind of flower light will you be using?

Sativas respond very well to topping and training (I LST), just like any other plant. But it's easy to let one get out of control. It may look compact, but she'll vine out on you like you can't believe.

I grew C-99 for years under a 400 HPS using LST and it does very well.

You can or can't have a Big un'?


Active Member
thanks for replying, i can't have a big un, i'm talking the 6+ feet monsters that is anyway, but ive got a 4'x4' space, not a HPS unfortunately cant have that heat where i am, or the noise of any kind of serious ventilation. I'm using cfl's and led's at the moment about 400watts altogether but i still got a 400w hps too. I'm seeing if they match up from my previous experiences.

C-99 looks great as well, i cant decide between, pretty much, the ones i mentioned but if they respond well to training then that's great, ive heard they can triple i size, so i was thinking of topping once and then flowering once recovered and filling up to a half or third of the screen?
