Best time to begin nutis


New Member
I looking to see when most people start feeding there plants. Right now I'm 2 weeks from when I planted the germinated seeds 4/16 but 3 weeks from when I started them. What day should I use date started, planted in soil, or first sprout. Also I have the lights on 24hr right now but am planing on growing these outdoors once they are big enough. Should I keep the lights on 24h until I bring them outside or should I slowly change the amount of time. All feedback will aid in the production of my first grow of White Rhino.image.jpg


Well-Known Member
they look really nice and healthy and GREEN, learn to read the colors of your plants, IMO if you see em begin to turn a bit light green its time, as they have used up what was in the soil, and it all depend on your soil, a light seedling soil might only hold enough for the fist week wile a strong "all" mix might have enough for 3-4 week`s normally rule of thump is at week 3 or at nod 5 and yours look close to getting ready tho no signs of lack of anything

also remember once you start to feed em, start slow, they are still small babies, IMO go max 1/4 strength of what the bottle say, and do a clean watering in between, agin learn to read em, once you spot em get to light green its time to up and once they look dark green its time to hold back a bit so you don't get tip burns or worse, thats the basic explanation, problems like wrong PH or lack of Calcium or magnesium can also lead to light green growth aso

hope this help

IMO I would wait a week more and then start slowly