Best Way to Use Trim

Hey guys,
Just got a good amount of quality trim and need to know how to medicate the locally produced honey, organic coconut oil, and vegetable glycerin tincture that I bought as well. What amount of trim should I use per amount of each? For example, if I 2 o's of trim, then mixed in with how much honey for a cold extraction? I saw TGA Subcool explain vegetable glycerin tincture and he just basically pours the glycerin over the trim and waits a few months. Does this go the same for the other sugars/oils? For example, should I just put enough honey so it coats the trim (maybe after warming/heating the honey) and let it sit cool. Then maybe heat it to strain out the trim?

As always, any help would be appreciated!


Well-Known Member
"I saw TGA Subcool explain vegetable glycerin tincture..."

Could you provide a link to this, so we can have a better idea of what you're trying to do?