better forum


Staff member
That's disappointing :(
I am sorry youre dissatisfied with rollitup , i am 100% sure we mods do more than you realize or see.
Telling us we're shitty mods isn't generally going to go over well with us when we work tirelessly to help this forum for free just because we enjoy the forum. The thing about community is that everyone needs to participate in making a better forum if 50 users see 150 different posts that are against tos of the forum but dont report it
chances are we will miss some of those 150 posts, that doesnt make us shitty mods, this forum moves extremely fast. last time i checked we had about 600,000 active users, and what maybe 30 mods?


Well-Known Member
I never said the mods were "shitty."
Dude, what's your beef- busy at Walmart last night sticking shelves for Black Friday? Leave Sunni alone she does a good job.
I never called her out or insulted her. I recommended adding mods and she said it wouldn't happen. That disappointed me. I'm sorry if it sounded rude.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
I use it rarely, but with good intentions. I hardly ever hit it and then write 'reported for spam'.

And Mumsnet is an excellent forum. Well, for trolling at least.

Field trip anyone...?
Nah I think we should all go join a LEO forum :) as wannabees, do a Kaender, what a classic. I feel so sorry for the mods it must be like herding drunk cats or stapling jello, what a thankless task for them.


Well-Known Member
I use it rarely, but with good intentions. I hardly ever hit it and then write 'reported for spam'.

And Mumsnet is an excellent forum. Well, for trolling at least.

Field trip anyone...?


let's troll the fuck out of hookah pro

Those fucks hate me and the other forum im on called royal hookah forum and we didn't do anything

So lets troll hookah pro guys


Well-Known Member
well excuse me for having a job , going to university full time, doing homework, having an outside life and doing this any spare moment i got as a volunteer.

honestly i work and the othe rmods work damn hard on this website , but theres more members and posts per second than we can read.
dont be so quick to judge
If you need any help holla at me.