Better late than never!!* 2010 Guerilla Grow* PICS


Well-Known Member
Putrid egg based deer/ rabbit repellant WORKES!

Nothing else has worked for me other than a full cage. (mothballs, soap, coffee, fox piss, cat litter, dog shit , human shit, hair all failed)

Good luck grower! Lets see some big fat naked ladies this fall!
thanks man. yea i have cages but my mistake was that i made chicken wire cylinders without tops so the deer just stick their long necks down and ate it. i now have wire going across the top so its no longer open haha. im also using "Liquid Fence" spray but idk how well it works.

Plannin' on throwin' a few out this week, myself. Not too late at all. Good luck buddy! will be checkin' in.
thanks man you too!


Well-Known Member
hey guys i got an update for you!

I transplanted the Auto Jock Horror into a 2 gallon pot of straight coco coir. This will be its only transplant and will now stay outside. Gave it a spray with some insecticide to prevent any insect damage.

The plants are now 14 days old and starting to get big. The Red Dragon started showing signs of a Mag deficiency so i added some epsom salt to my water/nutrient solution. i forgot that soilless mediums lack Mg so im hoping it will clear up in a few days.

I'm not sure whats up with the Purple Power. its thin and kind of spindley. it maybe because its a sativa dominant strain and i am used to bushy indicas but the RD is a sativa dom aswell but looks more lush than the PP.

I am letting the RD and PP chill outside in the sun today for a few hours to get them used to being outside.

pics are as follows
-Auto Jock Horror
-RD and PP
-PP top
-PP side
-RD side
-RD top




Well-Known Member
My plants started flowering in August last year..
yeaaa i truely hope my plants flower long before sept 21! it probably varies depending on region but all the New England growers say late july-august. i may be wrong but as i understand it outdoor plants dont need exactly 12/12 because they can tell the changes in the suns position, intensity, and decreasing daylight as well as temperature changes. im not positive about that though

and i know im not too late, im just not exactly on time haha.


Well-Known Member
Healthy looking plants Man!! +REP!!
Thanks PBF! they definitely loved being outside today because within 30 minutes they were aimed toward the sun with serious positive topism. they actually grew about 3/16" in like two hours. i didnt want to bring them back inside.

thanks for the rep too! i got some taken away because of a fight with some punk ass noob that thinks he knows everything so i've been waiting for someone to give it back hahaha.


Well-Known Member
So outdoor plants can start before 12/12? Can they finish before 12/12 outside as well?
thats just was i have come to understand through the past few months reading up on outdoor growing so please DONT take that as fact. i dont think they can finish before 12/12 unless they are autos. i know that 12/12 is what kicks the plants into overdrive to finish.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys!

So today i filled in the wholes at the guerilla spot. it is the same mix as in the first post. im gonna let the soil sit out there this week and i will transplant the RD and PP on friday!

The Red Dragon and Purple Power are still doing well, side branching is starting to take off. I think i fixed the Mg deficiency. They got a little too dry yesterday so they are still recovering from that. they are starting to get root bound and needing water more and more often with those little pots. i put them outside again for about 4 hours.

The Auto Jock Horror seems to be enjoying the outdoor life! It has grown a good 1.5-2 inches since friday. i found two worms trying to cocoon on some leaves so i pulled them off and sprayed with insecticide. Gonna be a battle over the next few weeks cuz the damn inch worms are droping out of the trees all over the place! No signs of pre-flowers yet but i expect to see some by the end of the week.

Let me know what you think people! all comments and questions are welcome!!


pics: 1. Auto Jock 2. Purple Power 3. Red Dragon



Well-Known Member
ya man there ready for the outside mine were about that size and yes they explode when being outside in the sun all day 2 feet in 3 weeks for mine!


Well-Known Member
Def. ready, mine were a good bit smaller that I just put out a few days ago, and they're doin' great. Almost doubled in size already. They'll be safer if you wait, but I believe they'll be good like that.


Well-Known Member
Def. ready, mine were a good bit smaller that I just put out a few days ago, and they're doin' great. Almost doubled in size already. They'll be safer if you wait, but I believe they'll be good like that.
yeaa im running out of room in my grow cabinet so i gotta get them out there soon. im contemplating keeping the PP inside for a little longer to see if it will fill out more but i think i'd rather put them out together.