better pheno or better grw medium?


Well-Known Member
here is 3 easyrider germed and grown together, 1 diff is medium 1 in rockwool 2 in all mix

the 1 in rockwool is 3 times the size of other 2, why ?

i think its down to medium. rockwool wat u think:peace:



Well-Known Member
surely someone thinks its funny same beans same growroom, huge diff. jus goes to show i think the instability of autos still, i also experienced this wit lowryders, anyone else?


Active Member
hey bro,i grew some ak autos from lowlife outdoors(they were stolen shortly before harvest,long story)

i had 4 in like 8/9l pots,and 1 in an 11ltr pot,all in plagron soil,and the one in the 11ltr pot grew by far the quickest and largest,but the others were quite the same except for 1 that was quite small but it was super super trich covered and it really smelt dank.

i think it may be because of the speed that the plant can gets its root into the rockwool,im sure its much harder than soil,id guess the others will catch up when they have expanded a bit,i dont know

the genes are going to be a bit off,i mean,theyve not been around long have they,autos in general,decent ones anyway.

some well held strains have been bred for 10 or 15 years to get them to where they are now


Well-Known Member
but if rock is harder wudnt it be the soil that are biggest? personally i think at this stage they shud all be as big as the rockwool one. reckon maybe i gt 2 shit seds? they are supposed to grw 2 be 60 70 cm well after 3 weeks they are only 7/8inches lol apart from gd 1 which is a good 18 inch. i think its dwn to seeds and genetics:) cheers for ya opinion bud, was wondering if its the norm in a batch


Active Member
sorry i meant it would be harder to get through the soil,it must be,got it mixed up there

my outside ones where,say,40cm,and had major amounts of bud on them,super bubbly barely any leaf bud,and it smelt and looked the shit,thats all i have to go on

how the hell do you give rep btw,i feel i have been neglecting this