bgmike8 first grow ever. all comments welcome


Well-Known Member
my room is framed with 2x4's. i used black and white poly. to cover it. i have made it pretty damn airtight because i am worried about the smell during flowering. however the fact that it is so airtight is giving me problems. when i turn on the exhaust fan the fucking seams want to rip. i may have solved that problem by adding additional intake. i have a 4inch hose constantly blowing in fresh air and a six inch passive intake as well. the addition of the 6inch has taken away some of the pressure.

please let me know what you think whether it be question or comments. this is my first grow.

my room is 8x10 7 feet tall.

i am set up for two 4x4 flood and drain trays each with their own 1000 watt light.

at first i am going to be growing from some bag seed in one of the trays. i am going to spray them with REVERSE and hopefully this will get rid of males and hopefully i will have a decent yield.

i am doing this while waiting for my thc bomb seeds from europe. the real plan here is to raise up some mommies and then fill both trays with clones from them.



Well-Known Member
check these pics out. i thought my water level might not be high enough, never realizing that the rockwool was sucking up water like a sponge.

i noticed today at noon and i am not watering unti noon tomorrow and then only twice a day. any comments?



Well-Known Member
think im guna get sick dude is thqt fuckin algae every where... what the fuck

take that dam tinfoil off, and there not supposed to be soaked lol or sitting in water at all....... thats why we put hydroton balls to seperate the roots from the rockwool

do something about the alge too man , its not the light getting on it.... my rock wool cubes are happy out in the lights i know u might worry about roots exposure but omg that tin foil it making moisture stay in and warming up probly with no air flow ur getting algea.... its not normal


Well-Known Member
okay, i can remove the foil but how do i stop the algae then? it kinda came with the seedlings-- i had them in a starter tray and when i stuck it under my new t5 the algae just spread everywhere and now it is spreading to the big cubes. i thought algae came from light and water???

p.s. goddamn your quick.


Well-Known Member
i have no life man , its march break and im waiting to harvest lol.

you cant have stagnant air being trapped in the cubes , step one they neeeeed lots of o2.... id say take those tin foils off throw that idea in the garbage lol
and with fresh air , light and love you should get it back... hopefully. so what are you doing with these cubed seedlings after this stage and if the algae doesnt go away garbage them you cant have this shit spreading man . but they need oxygena nd tons of it step one


Well-Known Member
i have removed the foil and i sprayed two of the cubes with straight 3%peroxide just to see what happens. i will get more pics later tonight.


Well-Known Member
the first pic is the best. they dont seem to be getting any worse so i guess that is good.
the cubes are still a little moist so i havent watered since yesterday at noon. do you think i should hold out till tomorrow?? or maybe i should water tonight ??

im worried about letting them get to dry and causing root damage.



Well-Known Member
today at about 10 am central i realized that my timer wasnt working and my plants were not watered at 8 am. {i had set it to start watering one time a day at 8}

the rockwool felt a little too dry to me so iwent ahead and threw a little water on top of the cubes because i was in a hurry. the plants didnt look to bad and some of them didnt have the downturned leaves anymore.

one plant was in bad shape though, it was laying over like it slumped over from a heart attack or some thing. so i was going to go back and take pics as soon as i could but when i went back the plant was standing up again! it will be the first pic. could it have been underwatered? and then fixed itself up because i topwatered it? this was at 2:30pm central time so only 5 hours

also if you look at the 1st pic you can see where i sprayed straight 3% peroxide onto the top of the cube. it cleared it right up. i wasnt suspecting the peroxide to be the problem because i sprayed 6 of them and nonoe else was slumped over.

so to sum it up; the first pic is the plant tthat was slumped over and the rest random pics of the plants. what do you think?

. it is not perfect now but it was completely slumped over like it was touching it's toes


Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
I know you want to automate and that's fine, but first you need to get your cultural balances in check. There is a moisture problem working as reflected by the last set of pix. If they were mine, I'd drop those cubes into a 1 gallon pot of soil burying them up to their first leafsets and place a bubbler on them, IF you must automate watering. For such a small grow, I think manually watering them is better as it gives you better control. You can use the runoff tea on indoor or outdoor plants. More than likely your algae came from your water source. Algae loves N, so watch for that type of deficiency as reflected by stunted plants, light colored leaves, etc.

Good luck,


Well-Known Member
alright, my hydro supply salesman is fucking me around with my sm-90 that i already payed for. i was going to use it as penatrator for my "reverse" spray. so now im thinking i might put these things into flowering s o i can determine sex. this is the method that i will be using when i start the thc bomb seeds. i will pick the best females and put them back in veg and clone the good ones for mother plants and the first garden too.

i am afraid to start the good seeds until i get my room under control. here is where i am at---

the overwatering is fixed. i let them dry out and now im back to watering only once a day. im thinking of going two times a day. i have killed most of the algae with 3% peroxide spray. it has left some white residue on top of some of the cubes. some of the cubes could use a little more spray{i did them in waves so i didnt kill all my plants at once}. i have heat issues. im only running one light and it hits 87-89 directly under the plants. when i turned on my other light it hit 110. 100 with the exhaust fan running constantly pulling in 65 degree air at 300 cfm's roughly speaking.

here are some pics i just took. i dont know how to seperate them so i will post them then try to explain them.


Well-Known Member
these pics are of two plants that arent looking too good. 2 pics are of the same one it looks like it is overwatered and also heat stress but no other plants have downturned leaves so i guess he is just a sissy:mrgreen:

the other one is the one that had a heart attack. it has some fucked up leaves on it. but parts of it are strong. i hope you get a good zoom in shot.



Well-Known Member
here are some general pics of the garden. tell me what you think. i think theyre getting big and its time to find the sex. they sre doing good despite the near ninety degree temps.



Well-Known Member
here are some general pics of the garden. tell me what you think. i think theyre getting big and its time to find the sex. they sre doing good despite the near ninety degree temps.
How tall are they? They look good though, nice green healthy leaves, no wilt, good node spacing. What strain is that? Good luck, Lamp.


Well-Known Member
this is just the bagseed. i have to get my room right before i start the thc bomb from


Well-Known Member
some questions if anyone is out there. how long until sex shows after 12-12. i have heard up to 14 days. also i didnt switch the water yet. it is still grow formula at 400ppm which is low but i was afraid of burning these fuckers up. it looks like some of the plants are showing sex but i know thats not possible. i will grab some pics and show them to you.


Well-Known Member
these are the best pics i could get. this looks like pics i have seen of female sex although that should be impossible, am i looking in the right place?


Well-Known Member
sorry i havent posted anything, been busy. here are some pics but the hps makes it look funny. i have been flowering for 2 weeks now and im getting ready to switch to bloom nutes.

