big bud seeds ,how to start em off


Active Member
hi all

i have bought 10 big bud seeds ,i have never grown from seed before so was looking for some advice on how to go about it right ,im planing on just starting 5 seeds . do i start seeds off

2......once ( germinated ) showing ,can i put under fluorescent bulb like i do with my cheese clones for a few weeks ?

3.....when established what size pot would be best put em in ( was thinking 20ltrs ) ,how big do these plants grow .& how many 0z would expect of one plant ?




Active Member

First of all, if you want a simple method, i would suggest putting the seed in a folded moist towel paper then put that towel paper in a ziplock bag or between 2 plates. The goal is to keep the towel moist/wet until seeds sprout (Be sure its not over wet)

Once you see a little white tap root coming out of the seeds, you can transplant to either (coffee cup, party cup, 3,4,5 inch square pot) *** I usually transplant to a small coffee cup for the first few days than transplant once there is enough roots to a bigger pot.

Once established , 20 ltrs sound good pot size unless you have small room and want more plants .

Bout the light question, Fluo will work all your veg if you have enough. (CFL, T5)

Using hps light work better for budding .

Hope it helped .

Wish you a nice day!


Well-Known Member
well what I do is soak the seeds over night in a cup of water and plant them in the soil I use a cfl and heat mat. I have a much better germ rate like this myself. they all germinated just fine for me with the paper towel tech but some didn't sprout. I get about 90% germ with my way.


Well-Known Member
i use above method and have a better 90% was 999.99 untill i tried croppi canna freebies, but best advise is go and do more reading as so many opinions all are good but none as inportant as your own

Sometimes old big bud seeds are like Gobstoppers you might need to either graze them in a match box or squeeze them sideways a few days into germ

I use one thyese for clones - seeds - mums



Active Member
thanks guys ,much appreciated ,can anyone tell me what ( big bud ) is like,? .. i have never tried growing it before ,is it a more yielding plant ( lot more bud ) what can you expect from 1 plant , HOW MANY OZ .?



Well-Known Member
thanks guys ,much appreciated ,can anyone tell me what ( big bud ) is like,? .. i have never tried growing it before ,is it a more yielding plant ( lot more bud ) what can you expect from 1 plant , HOW MANY OZ .?

How long is the string??

If grown correctly you will get 600+grams pr 600watt of light, given enviroment etc is correct.
If its sensi big bud its pretty afghani like, tiny giggley. mid grade. Their are far better comercial hybrids around today