Big Budda's Chiesel


Well-Known Member
Thank's once again Don, after seeing what you can do yourself, the comments mean alot man! Yeah this is one for the keeping for sure, I got a few cut's from her, so cant wait do do another run and grow it bigger. Love the color's too!

Its at week 7 now Homer, gonna leave it till atleast 9 and see whats what then.


Well-Known Member
so, thats me onto trying out the chiesel. And got to say the smoke is as good as it looks and smells! Real strong like Haze smell, with some other hints through it. Deff. my new head-stash! And the Purple one smells soooo diff. But a real nice fruit, and with the colors its a beautifull plant. Cant wait to give it another run, but bigger this time!


Well-Known Member
So, thats me mo smoking the Chiesel popscor buds, letting the bigger bits cure. Im gonna do a good smoke report later as theres not alot of info on this strain, and feel its my duty to let RUI know how good this is!


Well-Known Member
Yeah, got some clones, can't wait to do a bigger run of her! The deep purp. is just starting to cover the bud, although I think it looks better with the green contrast too! Will keep u up-dated man!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
sweet a big run of that ill make you a very happy man haha. you make hash with your trim? cos the stuff from a big run of that will be knockout


Well-Known Member
Yeah I keep my trim and popcorn for hash Don. Just made a small bit from the keif out my grinder, nice man!

And yeah, its real nice smoke ABM! Gonna be my new head stash


Well-Known Member
So, its another Chiesel morning! Still trying to finnish my first number! Thats the Purp. one into week 8, and still looking great, thats all me clones starting to root too, 2 Purp, 3 green Chiesel and 4 of this bagseed ive got that is the strongest smelling and tasting wee ive ever grew! Sort of haze smell? Already got my Pineapple clones done!


Well-Known Member
Bubble bags? Is that wi the ice cubes? Will need to ckeck it out. Sure there will be a thread, or you tube Vid.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
yeah with the ice check ebay for the bags amd youtube for a vid for sure. i made a lump today well 3 lumps. out of 9 oz of trim n got just under 3/4 of an oz


Well-Known Member
Nice run jambo! I like greenhouse a lot of people don't I did have one hermie on me to but I didn't have seeds. Have you tried Kings Kush? I read you guys were talking about and I have one going and was just curios. Will follow new clones you have going. Good luck!!!


Well-Known Member
Cheers organic, na got some KK seeds, but not tried them yet. Been thinking about it latley! How far on is yours?