Biggest YOUTUBE tool yet


Well-Known Member
I bet all the wind blowing on those windows creates tons of cancerous glass dust, I guess his store isnt very safe.


Well-Known Member
lmao... fill his shop up with glass dust.... we should pay someone to go in there with a big bag of the shit and spread it around....

na fuck that.... just break his windows... but a brick through the display case would work wonders....


Well-Known Member
on a serious note.... do you think the business owner knows how much this dick has hurt his reputation??? i would be pissed if i had a wankers online calling all my potential customers dumb arse's


Well-Known Member
That dude tony has got to have some relationship to the company owner to still have a job.I would never let one of my employees do the bullshit he's doing.Its just childish and in no way good for buisness.
So im guessing he posted another video


Well-Known Member
yeah he sure did.... you thought he was a wanker in the first one.... the new one puts him straight in first place for the biggest douche in the universe award.... hes doubled the votes for john edward