BIMMERS CHIESEL, AK47, AND LOWGIRL AUTO JOURNAL!!!!! 400w hps dwc and dirt

what do you think my yield will be?

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Well-Known Member
So this is a continuation of a thread i had started in the help section. 2 months ago i bought seeds from attitude. heres the link to the thread i started a low girl autoflower and a big buddha chiesel. had great growth using about 140w of cfls but i switched to a 400w hps full spectrum eye hortilux. the autoflower is small but the colas are nice. i had problems with nute burn right of the bat. and after fixing the problem the plant was mysteriously topped so i lost growth there. the chiesel has never been topped. for the ak47 it was vegged in a phototron in dirt for 8 weeks then flowered for about a week before being put under the 400w hps. its only been under it for a day so i wont post any new growth on it for a while. the chiesel just started 12/12. pictures do not do justice as to how big this plant is. id say at least 35inches tall.

the first 9 are of the autoflower in the first few weeks of growth. you can see the nute burn and stunted growth and some bud shots.
the next 6 are of the autoflower 8 weeks almost done im giving it straight water as of right now. some decent bud porn.
the next 4 pics are the chiesel. ive put a quarter next the the stalk to compare size.
the last 4 are the ak47.

id love to hear some feedback!!!!!!

ive done lots of research on the chiesel strain and have come up with very minimal pictures so hopefully this can be a haven for someone thats interested in growing this strain.



Well-Known Member
thnx cpl. much appreciated. i chopped the autoflower yesterday. im curious my main cola weighted in at about 14 grams wet. how much weight should i lose on the first night of drying? it weights 7 grams now.


Well-Known Member
got some good pics for everyone. i cut the automatic down and trimmed her up lemme get some responses i think they look delicious!



Well-Known Member
I hate to be a downer man.. but you either had something wrong with the nutes, ph, light was too far away, or you harvested way to early because those look like pretty larfy buds. However, a successful crop is always a plus.


Well-Known Member
yes infdjedi i had problems from the start being my first hydro grow. from the first week i gave it nutes (ill never do that again) the ph was constantly at 5.8 and for the first 6 weeks of grow i used a bunch of cfls. for the last 2 weeks i put it under a 400w hps and flushed with straight water for the last week. my total yield was 7 grams dry.