BK-2c-b thread

This stuff. Oh. Em. Gee. It is so intense. It almost melds with you, like an exo skeleton. Very intense. Right now uk time 0031 I cant explain. All my 'side effects' to this are sensory only, my thought processes are still to that of my normal, sober, cynical self.

I am currently sitting round a friends and considering leaving to chill out round mine. A change of environment required I feel :)
It is now 01:38 Uk time. I forgot to mention before that before taking the Bk 2 cb I had approx 200/250 mg of Methiopropamine (MPA) oops sorry dont mean to speak in bold but cant turn it off.

The same place I bought the Bk 2cb or whatever it is called.

So fucking hammered right now. Proper synesthesia, like a kaleidospcope is going off in my face. Am on the way back from my friends, had to have a break from the walking. Woah :)
It is now 2028 Uk time. I finally feel asleep at about 0800 yesterday morning, and slept all the way through til 1945 this evening! To note I did walk about 5 miles to try and pass the time as trying to sleep presented too much confusion (smoke trails started appearing etc) so I think physical exertion and exhaustion played a massive part in my sleep coma lol. I still feel a bit affected now, fractured thoughts, synesthesia etc. I hope this wont last permanently haha :) I dont have any ill effects, headache etc but definitely dont feel the visual effects of the bk2cb have properly subsided yet :S my fault, shouldnt have mixed 2 research chems together then took so bloody much bk 2cb lol
I overdid bk-2c-b at a concert a couple weekends ago. BUT IT WAS A GOOD IDEA!!!

Normally it wasn't that visually stunning on its own until I smoked the ganj.
A couple weekends ago it did it on its own. Crazy kaleidoscopes everywhere bursting with colors and shapes.. The exoskeleton thing you speak of is awesome, feels like acupuncture from the gods all over your entire body. Unlike any other drug I have ever done. But overdoing it caused that to be absolutely bananas as well, which was great!

Then I smoked on accident during a cigarette break(I didn't want to because I wasn't quite sure what would happen lol) and wow.. Just wow. Danced like a fucking absolute maniac. The patterns got MORE intense, it was as if I took 5 hits of some good L or something. Visually, anyway. And the body.. YUM. I have 3 grams of it sitting in my room but I have to space it out. Has a tendency to make me feel perfect for 72 hrs sometimes.
GET A SAMPLE DMTER. Seriously. That one is special. Get 500mg so you have at least 4 dosages. You'll want all four I am quite sure. Not at once, but you'll want it sitting around. It also makes a better aphrodisiac than anything I have ever experienced in my entire life. The feeling it gives you is seriously AMAZING and the LOVE man. just.. Can't even say enough good stuff about it. I don't take it often, but when I do, it's in public.

4-HO-MET is cool but holy shit, I got a sample of it a couple years ago and jesus christ. SO intense for such a short amount of time. It was like I was hippy flipping at a fast pace. Like a very fast-pace LSD + Mushrooms trip.
GET A SAMPLE DMTER. Seriously. That one is special. Get 500mg so you have at least 4 dosages. You'll want all four I am quite sure. Not at once, but you'll want it sitting around. It also makes a better aphrodisiac than anything I have ever experienced in my entire life. The feeling it gives you is seriously AMAZING and the LOVE man. just.. Can't even say enough good stuff about it. I don't take it often, but when I do, it's in public.

4-HO-MET is cool but holy shit, I got a sample of it a couple years ago and jesus christ. SO intense for such a short amount of time. It was like I was hippy flipping at a fast pace. Like a very fast-pace LSD + Mushrooms trip.
where do u get those drugs to anyways? can't even buy mushrooms on the street here and silkroad got taken down
find a vendor.
im interested in some to stash away now.i got a gram of just reagular plain old 2cb(no cool extra letters) on the way now...seems the BK has a higher dose amount than 2cb..i find 30mg of bees is perfect for me on a quiet type night...100mg for shows:-)
I'll take your regular ass 2c-b and shove it down your throat.. I mean.. Mine.

Haha I need to try just 2c-b, it won't be too much longer, next time I go down I'll make it a mission unless I drink from a damn lug jug again and wish to never be high again. ;)
try snorting 4 mg of Dilaudid and smoking 2 joints, by the time the weed is gone it'll kick in, make sure you don't have anything important to do for about 4 hours haha 4mgDilaudid.jpg
you are still so young...be careful,and study more..not every caution should be thrown to the wind...
yeah i know im just saying u can probably do pills every once a while (im not doing it again though expensive ass shit) and not get hooked or do it a few times and never touch it again, coke is way more addictive in my opinion haven't done it in a few weeks and every day i think about doing a line
^He speaks the truth.

Coke just smells good. But that's some EXPENSIVE incense.
Opiates are actually somewhat affordable(heroin is retarded cheap).

I do either every time I see them. Never had a problem with them. When I was 16 I wanted to have a problem with coke after I tried it 'I wanna be a cokehead this is great!' then I kinda just.. Grew up and realized it's just something to do when someone puts a knife up to your nose for ya.

Edit: This thread just made me pop a vyvanse :)
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^He speaks the truth.

Coke just smells good. But that's some EXPENSIVE incense.
Opiates are actually somewhat affordable(heroin is retarded cheap).

I do either every time I see them. Never had a problem with them. When I was 16 I wanted to have a problem with coke after I tried it 'I wanna be a cokehead this is great!' then I kinda just.. Grew up and realized it's just something to do when someone puts a knife up to your nose for ya.

Edit: This thread just made me pop a vyvanse :)
yeah i think thats half the reason why its so addictive, the actual snorting/smell