got hooked on COD 3
could never put World at War down.
Lost interest with MW, never got into it.
I liked Black Ops a lot, but it got really repetitive running flags back and forth so I picked up Battelfield. Thought it was the hottest shit since sliced bread.
Played MW2 for a while, but eventually I went over to Battlefield 3. Couldn't play it for too long. The one part I was looking forward to the most was flying jets, which is pretty boring when everyone else has rockets to lock onto you with and all I had was machine guns. I just found it nearly impossible to compete with people that has such better equipment than me, a lot of them not earning it bc they just buy the perk unlocks.
If I get Black Ops 2 it will be for the campaign, I really enjoy playing through the campaigns on veteran. It feels satisfying once I actually beat it.