Black sheep of the bunch - rounded leaves?


Well-Known Member

I was checking here for a little feedback. Seems I have an odd-ball of the bunch. The leaves seem to be rounding, and it doesn't look as nice as the others.

I don't want to believe that its from over watering. It is the only one out of 4 that looks like that and i'm checking the weight of the rockwool daily to tell if they need fed.

I'm using rockwool cubes, with 2 100w CFL warm and cool bulbs, and half strength grow nutrients.

Thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
Curious what the seed strain is. Looks like some afghan/mazar like strain. Could be an interesting grow.


Well-Known Member
Curious what the seed strain is. Looks like some afghan/mazar like strain. Could be an interesting grow.
Sorry for the disappointment, but its just bag seed. I want to get a full grow and harvest with bag seed before I grow exotic :(


Well-Known Member
no disappointment, some of the wilder grows on here come from bag seed
the genetics in what you'll get out of bag seed can literally be anything


Well-Known Member
no disappointment, some of the wilder grows on here come from bag seed
the genetics in what you'll get out of bag seed can literally be anything
Yeah, im really excited about the grow, even if its only bag seed.

Anything more on the plant?


Well-Known Member
just that i've seen grows of afghan/mazar that look something like this
that ruffled look is common to those strain(s), there are probably more experienced growers that might have more knowledge