Blue aquarium lights?


Active Member
New grower here, been smoking for a longggg time and my friend just recently stopped growing, so I kinda fell into some mighty good clones.
I tried to look around on RIU but failed to find anything on blue aquarium lights,:wall:

Any info y'all have would be great. Please and thank you.

I'll post some pics of my set up/ and the light I'm talking about here soon.
I grew with an aquarium light just because I had an extra. Logic would state that a light that is used to suppress algae would not grow anything well at all. I grew some on 24hour with the light 2-3 inches away from the tops and it did not do really good but it did not do bad. I would not flower with it and my guess is anything else is better.


Active Member
I'm running on 24hr and I've also got 2 26w 1750lumen cfl's but I just thought, hell can't go wrong with more light, and maybe itll have more of the blue spectrum


Well-Known Member
I wouldnt try to use it as a primary source of light, not even for veg, and especially not for flowering. Look into quality LED lights if you are interested in a more contemporary grow than traditional hps or cfl lighting. Supplementing with it won't hurt during veg, but might not help during flower.


Well-Known Member
New grower here, been smoking for a longggg time and my friend just recently stopped growing, so I kinda fell into some mighty good clones.
I tried to look around on RIU but failed to find anything on blue aquarium lights,:wall:

Any info y'all have would be great. Please and thank you.

I'll post some pics of my set up/ and the light I'm talking about here soon.

If its the blue fluro light that I'm thinking of then it can work alright for seedlings and up until they're about 2 or 3in. Then throw em under a couple cfls that's genenrally what I do works pretty good


Active Member
Set up as of right now, still haven't spent a penny.
Just the beginning I see this as an investment Fosho =]

My beaut yesterday.
If your going to use the blue light move it down. It's doing nothing up there. That potter is huge. That is going to be a tree. I doubt you need the blue light right now save it for starting clones.


Active Member
I like trees,  lol

Since I added the 3rd cfl I took down the blue fluro, it was way too damn big for my space, plus it fell down and chopped off a leaf, also bent the stem, since then I stabilized it but it's back to standing on it's on now.

Yesterday I also noticed alot of little white bugs in the soil, researched around still couldn't find out what they were, but me being paranoid about my first grow I did a flush and transplant, pretty sure my baby is in shock now, fan leaves are reallly droopy.
Anyone know how long they stay in shock?
I forgot what the white bugs are called but they eat roots. Did you get your soil from outside? Do they run around the surface when you water? I doubt you got them all because they live on the roots. Because your plant is in shock wait a while but if you see them again just don't water as much and they die off. I don't know how big your root system is but it could be 2 days to a week before the plant perks up again. Use a mister and spray the leaves lightly once a day or less so they don't dry out while the roots try to establish. The number 1 killer of plants is humans. If in doubt let it grow. Start messing around with the plant after you get some clones.


Active Member
No, I bought some organic potting soil, but it was left outside for a day before I could actually get everything set up.
I hope I got them all, and my root system wasn't big at all, I washed the roots and got all if the infected soil off when I transplanted. But yea a few would come out and run around everytime I watered.

I just checked on it, the two biggest fan leaves are still droopy as hell, but it looks like new growth right above them. The two 3 sets I have perked up a little bit, but I think that's because I took out the blue fluro and added the 3rd cfl.