Blue Mountian Organics


Well-Known Member
just thought i would post some pics of my first run with BMO. i alternated GIG/FP and SPT throughout the grow except for the end when i did a couple straight FP and then 2 flushes with molasses water. everytime i fed bmo i mixed in a worm casting tea brew. these are in 3 gallon pots vegged for 5 weeks under a 400mh then flowered under 2 1000w hps lights. the soil mix is 1/3 ffof, 1/3perlite, 1/6wormcasting and 1/6 peat with 2tbls lime per gallon.

this is day 51 of green crack and blue dragonite


Just thought I'd bump this thread up since it contains so much useful information, and hopefully more people can take away from it as much as I did.

Ordered the full line of liquids from BMO on Monday and just checked and they've been delivered. Hell yeah! Absolutely cannot wait to get home, got a few babies that haven't broken the surface yet in unadulterated soil and I'll bet they can't wait for their first dose of nutes and SPT. I'll bet they'll really shoot up over the weekend.

Also, I just want to say thanks to OhSoGreen and everyone else who share their knowledge on RIU. You've been a great help!


Well-Known Member
this is a really great thread. but it would be nice if BMO put out a feeding chart for best results with the whole BMO liquid fert line for outdoor and hydro. like I'm just unaware of how I should transition SPT and the GIG for vegging, and if I should use the FH while using SPT and GIG, and how often I should be using them.

So I've fed my plants twice since I've gotten BMO. started with SPT first, then waited 3 feedings of just water to use the GIG. does that sound like a good start? or should I be using them in conjunction with another during the same feeding?

dirt clean

Well-Known Member
I use them with conjunction and have had no problem. I think that later in their stages like yours they are ok. I gradually build up then use full str plus guano as an amendment. In veg I through in caps of fish too. Sometimes I might toss in some bio bizz as a booster. My flower girls look great. I think that early it might be much. I am having some early veg probs. Either too little or too much, prob ph prob.

Anybody know what it means when clones get deep green veins. some burnt tips and slow growth. It sorta looks stalled. I think I misread this as a nute need and a clone yellowing instead of burn and fed too much. IDK.

Also, ohsogreen has made a feed schedule. I bet if you google it, it will pop up. At flower on my perfct girls I just transitioned it even then went to half flower then full. Perfect plants.


Well-Known Member
this is a really great thread. but it would be nice if BMO put out a feeding chart for best results with the whole BMO liquid fert line for outdoor and hydro.
NotorousB.... Putting out a Mary specific feeding chart or one only for tomatoes, is like holding up a red flag, saying we sell MJ nutes. I really doubt they will. Anyway, that's not what they do. It just happens their stuff is well made, cheap and works well for Mary.
Kinda like molasses is good on biscuts and great for making fertilizer teas.
Here is one I did, using some with some NPK in it. If you are using a soilless medium or hydro, some adjustments will be necessary. This is just a basic guideline, it should help. Don't get hung up on the TDS (ppm) readings when using this stuff. It's not like chem nutes, they don't register on a TDS pen like chem nutes.
So for hydro, just mix at their recommended rates. It seems to work well.
Hope this helps....
Keep it Real....Organic.....
To use, click on the chart, after it loads up, right click your mouse & choose print, to print it out.



Well-Known Member
You're too good to us :bigjoint:

noticed that the SPT wasn't on there though. how do you fit your SPT into that table?


Well-Known Member
and when you use the FH in conjuction with the other ferts, you foliar feed with it and don't actually mix the FH with GIG or FP and soil feed correct?

dirt clean

Well-Known Member
actually I just mixed the flower power with the grow it green. Its ratio then is a ratio that is highly recomended for mj from a lot of companys and hi times. It is also stated to be ok on their website. I think tho that it would work better as a foliar feed. Plants do love a foliar feed both as a rapid means of absorbtion and as an innoculant against disease and general unhappiness as the bacterias coat the leaves and work to keep bad bacteria and diesease away. That NPK is important but I am sure you have covered and is not a must. After all it is like 2 points.

I also topdress and throw in my teas corresponding bat guanos. They love it. My plants are happy.

I am doing an experiment right now. This happens some tea brews. My teas even after 24 hours have not formed bubbles. Right now at 26 I am getting some. Sometime they get millions at 18 sometimes longer or I give up. Any expereince?


Well-Known Member
You're too good to us :bigjoint:

noticed that the SPT wasn't on there though. how do you fit your SPT into that table?
NotoriousB.... Yeah, sorry about that. I use the SPT at full mixing strength (one oz to a gallon of unchlorinated water) every two weeks. You can use it mixed at 1/2 strength weekly. Either way works.
I have my ladies in the ground, so they each get one gallon of mixed up SPT. The rule of thumb on this stuff is one quart of mixed up SPT per quart of soil for plants grown in pots or containers. And up to a gallon (max) for the in ground plants.
I stop using it the last few weeks of flowering, since a good sized population of micro-beasties is already established. I'm cheap, I mean I'm Frugal and hate wasting stuff that costs money.
The Foliar Harmony, I just foliar spray (per my chart).
The numbers on the FH are very good for mixing with the Flower Power (which is a little low on the N side IMO). With the FH mixed with the FP, the combined NPK is 3-12-9 that's a very good flowering nute ratio. Enough N to keep them green and enough P & K to fill out and finish well.
I want to give credit to Dirt Clean on the ideal of mixing the FH & FP together. He did it first, got good results and shared that info with us. I had been using a reduced strength GIG with the FP to boost the low N of the FP. His way, is simpler........
Sometimes the anwser is sitting right in front of us.
Hope this helps....
Keep it Real....Organic....


Well-Known Member
I use GIG and FP together also. Never thought of using FH though, gotta try it out.
Op 420.... It works really well. I just bought some FH last night and the cool thing is. BMO doubled the bottle size of the FH, but not the price. More for less, definately works for me.
Keep it Real...Organic.....


Well-Known Member
do you bubble BMO nutes? do you brew them before applying them? or do you just shake the bottle really good and apply them? i was thinking of mixing them in a dwc bubble bucket, would i use warm water or jsut bottled water for this?? is this a bad idea??


Well-Known Member
I bubble mine for 12 hours. Here is a plant fed only BMO nutes under a 400 watter a few weeks from harvest. Keep the BMO thing rolling, I'm a customer for life they are the only nutes I need. Worried about small buds or this whole organic scene? Worry not. Organic owns face :mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
so when you add them together you add up the NPK of each ?? why do u bubble it ??
I bubble just to aerate and possible get the good bacteria action rolling a tad, not too much. I don't add anything up, just follow Ohso's feeding schedule.


Well-Known Member
really a beautiful plant Toppers. I was wondering if I should bubble my BMO ferts but when I asked awhile ago, I never got a response. makes sense tho.
thanks :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
thanks man. I don't think the bubble is necessary all that much, I just do it to ensure that everything is mixed well. All the micro guys go to work in the soil eventually anyways. Ohso would know better than me. I also wanted to add I only used GIG and FP, have yet to use foliar harmony or SPT.


Well-Known Member
I just never bought them? Lol. I bought GIG and FP awhile back from ebay and still have both bottles, that's all I'm using besides the occasional ph up/down in my water. I'm sure the other products work great but I can't justify more $$ and shipping costs when this is doing me fine. I'm no botanist but the BMO line is without a doubt pretty well done.