blue widow outdoor/greenhouse uk mold coming (HELP ASAP)


Active Member
hello peeps hope all is well iv got a blue widow in a greenhouse down south in the uk and iv just notices mold bud rot im gutted what do you think i should do i dont wanna lose this girl she smell to nice as is to dam sticky shall i chop asap shes on day 47 off flowering just going purple cant post piks coz iv only got a stupid dongle hope to here from you soon! many thanks!:sad:


Dont let lots of moisture occur when growing big producing indicas... They will mould... Cut off the mould and vent out the GH well... Should be ready within a week..


Active Member
Ok mate thanks iv cut it out of the plant and I'm leavein door open and have cut a 2 x 2 hole in the back up the top hopefully that will keep it away! Iv got this plant magic spray as well it mollese essents and catalyst you've gota bru it 4 12hours hopefully this will be anuf lol wat do you rekon! Thanks