BlueCheesey's AK47xLR2 Autoflower 400HPS Closet Grow

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
alright, so ext watering you think i should flush before feed? dont you flush with neutral water and about 3x the amount the pot holds? Should i still give it molasses when i flush?
3x is a lot. I usually do double the volume of my pots of plain water then 1/2 gallon of feed. So for example, I have two gallon pots . I put four gallons of plain ph'd water through the pot and then pour another 1/2 gallon of water with nutes. This is a good practice every few weeks even if you're plants are 100% healthy. It takes a while to pour all that water through each pot but the health of your plants should be worth it. The leaves should flatten out in a few days and you can resume your regular feeding schedule.


Well-Known Member
but hey skitzo his plants do look good, whats with the hatin against purple_stars, think you need to rack up a nice big bowl and chillax!


Well-Known Member
but hey skitzo his plants do look good, whats with the hatin against purple_stars, think you need to rack up a nice big bowl and chillax!
they are not the best ive seen around, but noticeably they have the drooping leaves and dead spotting / yellowing.

i just wanted to point out that purple_stars was posting pointlessly, which in return helps boost his post count.

i guess it isn't that important on these forums....?
i'm just used to hearing moderators yell at people about doing this on other forums, so i thought i would point it out since nobody else did.

im always chillaxed. i've been using the 'chillax' phrase for several years now, before i started hearing any others use it.


Well-Known Member
they are not the best ive seen around, but noticeably they have the drooping leaves and dead spotting / yellowing.

i just wanted to point out that purple_stars was posting pointlessly, which in return helps boost his post count.

i guess it isn't that important on these forums....?
i'm just used to hearing moderators yell at people about doing this on other forums, so i thought i would point it out since nobody else did.

im always chillaxed. i've been using the 'chillax' phrase for several years now, before i started hearing any others use it.

Its ok man i guesss i was postin away but chillax man. Anywho i am just keeping my self informed on bluecheesy's AK47 that he is growing right now cuase im growing the same stuff at the moment i dont see the need of someone trying to stand out to pick at something whats the point, just for a few post who cares. smoke a J with me man and chillax.:bigjoint:

so now thats out the way blucheesy im sorry for this thing that this nonsense skitzo brought up but how are your girls doing latly and i was gonna ask you earlier what nutes are you useing?


Well-Known Member
just curious....anyone reading this thread know where to buy some plastic tarp like material (panda film)?

i dont want to order online....anyone know if i can get it at home depot or lowes?


Well-Known Member
You not got a local dro shop?.

Yeah same here mate i thought that my mate made up chillax a few years ago, he just blurted it out when we were baked and found it funny.


Well-Known Member
yea i dont know where i picked it up, i just know ive been saying it and other people have been saying it. probably on some old movie iono

i dont goto hydro shop cuz i have to pay parking for my nearest one becuz its in a flea market.


Well-Known Member
Well just pay for the parking for like half an hour, shouldnt be that much should it, couple of dollars at most, at least you know you will be getting what you need!


Well-Known Member

ok well here they are sorry for taking so long been pretty bust latley. Plant #2 has a lot of yellowing i was wondering if it looked rootbound. its in a 10 in pot do not know how much it holds, maybe like 1.75 Gal? Well here are the pics

PLANT 1 - 48 Days
PLANT 2 - 46 Days
PLANT 3 - 44 Days





mared juwan

Well-Known Member
If you want to bring back some of the green in plant #2 you can give it a little bit of grow nutes. It just wants nitrogen. Mix up your regular bloom nutes and then give it a teeny bit of grow nutes in there too. They all look good though. I see you got those leaves to flatten out:wink:


Active Member
how do you leople like those auto flowring plants. ive been waiting to try them but my buddy thinks there way to small. he rather gro a hugh plant 3 times as long. by the way. how long does it take from start to smoke with auto's ??


Well-Known Member
Subsc. I wanna see this one play out. I am gonna order a tent soon w/ a 400 and I plan on getting some auto flowers to go along with a regular mom for cloning so these are a good baseline for me. Thanks. Keep it up!


Active Member
well, ive been doing my homework and looking around the net for these auto flowering seeds that everyone is talking about. i just wanted to know where you got yours, because i have yet to talk to someone that has gotta what they orders from online with these seeds, ive heard of people paying 3x for female seeds and ended up being half males in there. what was your % of females in that bauch. thanx so much, ive been asking around and no one has been able to help me yet.


Well-Known Member

here there are they may look droopy because i took them before i watered them. Also did a flush on friday. any ideas on how long left

Plant 1 - 64 days

Plant 2 - 62 days

Plant 3 - 60 days




Thank you guys

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Looks really nice cheesey. Fattened up real well I see. Hard to tell how long is left from a pic but I see a couple white pistils still. On *most* strains that indicates there is still bud growing. Maybe a week or two left.


Well-Known Member
dayum.. gooodshit man.... def. some bluecheesy shit.... how tall are they, and how tall were they when you flowered..... if ya dont mind.