Bomb shelter grow room


Well-Known Member
heres what ya do

1) Cameras
Sexy up some cameras around the proximity of your grow area You can get dlink cameras that you can check up on anywhere

2) Sensors
Rock a couple of em to warn you when people get to close to your cameras or grow area

3) Gun
Now heres the fun some dick comes walking into your area poking his nose around blow his ass away and bury him far away bring some Lime

After the jobs done fire up a bowl
almost !!
3)a) remote control trigger for gunbongsmiliebongsmilie

this will only work depending on how many people you gotta lay down and people looking for their 'missing' friends:lol:


Well-Known Member
Well you could always put up signs for explosives then when they step on your property chuck norris will come down and boot fuck the guys head off then Ric Flair will come out poke chuck norris in the eyes and lock in the figure four WOOOOOOO


Well-Known Member
run apower cord under the ground
fuck the electric bill put as many lights and plants in thier that you can
do it once sell the weed [some anyways] than rent a space that you can grow in comfort:hump::hump:


Well-Known Member
it can ALL get expensive if you do it right.
its going to take me a while to break even with all the shite i invested in.
(and it mostly everyone heres fault lol....).
for me breaking even would be having my own and not having to look around, drive with it ect....
I dont want to break the law and shit.:peace:
that to me is worth the world.


Well-Known Member
man im telling you right now if you do that, you're getting jacked eventually

some wanderous person will eventually walk by that, check it and see the white lights leading to your heaven..

i wouldn't risk that man especially if someone walking by it trips over a power cord..rips it out of the ground and follows it to your grow-op

why not build a shed?


Well-Known Member
Well you could always put up signs for explosives then when they step on your property chuck norris will come down and boot fuck the guys head off then Ric Flair will come out poke chuck norris in the eyes and lock in the figure four WOOOOOOO

then owen hart tries to swing down from a tree to pull a swinging dropkick on the invader...but the rope breaks and he dies..



Well-Known Member
I think that this Idea is worth pursuing if you want to do it right. Not many people have a 15x10 area to grow in. You may want to check out my journal because it is also in a detached building, well the building is attached but it's completely external. Some things to think about are bugs getting in, heat control, mold and electricity. I've had a bad case of spider-mites that have been delt with and I'm currently dealing with some pretty big heat vs. power issues. Even a tiny space heater uses 1500 watts. A generator is not cost effective. I vote running the power from your house, I think that you are the best judge of weather you will get caught. And isn't running a lot of big wires really the same amount of work as running one small on. What really makes this worth it is the size of the area, and if you don;t capitalize on that that then this area isn't worth it. Maybe this is?

Cool Cab

Climate control is very difficult with something like this, my light raises the temperature about 5 degrees fahrenheit.

As for fly overs, you don;t have much to worry about, they can only use thermal cameras if it's to catch a fugitive or something, not for finding grows.

hope I could help.


Active Member
that could be a great location..........

but the cost to run a 300ft of (8 ga.?) cable properly is going to be expensive!!

even if you went with multiple 4 ft - T5 flourscent setup.......

also the necessity of packing water is a dead giveaway as to what is going on........

are there any better locations?????

What about making a cab to go inside your garage????


Well-Known Member
DaGambler's First Rule Of Growing:

If you don't have a GREAT location, Don't Grow.

You have no water at hand. The electricity will go to shit over a 300 foot stretch. Generators aren't worth the cost of running them unless ur going Huge. You have no legal protection on this property nor any right to be there. Other persons do have a legal right to be there. No warrant will be needed. Ur asking for trouble. Wait till you move into your own place and change the locks.

Buy some weed. Smoke it. Save up for a better location.