bongspits grow journal

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New Member
ok thanks guys
so the if i buy a tds meter i can use one of those charts and do a conversion right?
what range calibration solution do i need?
is it hard to calibrate
also which ph calibration solution do i buy?
hey bs
what brand did you get
I have really never calibrated anything, I just stick the meter in the reservour and take the reading...


New Member
ec - electircal conductivity
ppm parts per million
tds total dissolved solids

they are all an expression of essentailly the same thing....sort of....different units of measure

EC can be converted to PPM by multiplying by 500. PPM can be converted to EC by dividing by 500

TDS is the measuring of the amount of salts in a solution. For alot of applications the amount of salt is indicitive of the levels of other stuff in a solution.
Bongspit looks like your on your way to some smokable homegrown bud. I am not far behind you as my Plant A is on 23 days of flowering 12/12 and the other 3 are in Veg 24/7. I'll try to get some pixs up. But G'Work:P I shpuld be rdy to harvest the end of January.

thank you professor tahoe, I was stoned and could not really explain..
thanks Hank...can't wait to see your pic...I pinched a liitle bud:mrgreen: off of it the other day, dried it and smoked it and it was fine...


Well-Known Member
hey BongS....will you please be MY daddy! hahahahahaha....I am going to work towards that exact relationship with my and honest...and full of integrity! good on ya man!


New Member
your a good dad
is it jumpin?
can i come over?
hey BongS....will you please be MY daddy! hahahahahaha....I am going to work towards that exact relationship with my and honest...and full of integrity! good on ya man!
hey guys...when I took the dogs out last night for their midnight pee, poop and smell fest there was like 30 cars and they have to pee on every tire. We live in the country and I am happy to have a place for the kids to party, as long as they do not smoke any of that wacky I think I got a good contact high from just being outside...:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Damn dude your plants are looking great, hope you had a wonderful xmas and have an Awesome new year to come.

Keep up the great work!


Well-Known Member
o yea the bong spit thing i laughed my ass of in reading your story cause i did this once while tripping hard on lsd. It was no joke, and I was glad to hear someone else had done this inhalation of bong water. I never got a cool nickname out of the deal but my friend and i will never forget that night.


Well-Known Member
orange hairs are starating to appear eh.....tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick.....too cool man!
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