Op is right... and I don't believe he is trolling.
He's merely pointing out a very sad reality. This case is little more than a blip on the radar. Sure, it's a huge injustice, but nothing new in the whole scheme of things.
We really are a culture of dumbed-down, believe anything you see on TV morons... and this case proves it.
Just another distraction to an infinitely bigger injustice, the outright hijacking and plunder of our entire way of life for the last 30+ years
We just sit here and take it, believing we are "free" while most of us barely get by, and are "free" to do next to nothing outside of our wage-slave lives
Muricans are the unhappiest, most incarcerated, most consuming, most polluting, most materialistic, and overall probably the most dangerous nation in regards to the future existence/extinction of the human race... but if there is any silver lining, our best people are also our best hope for our survival... and ushering in a new form of economics that is not consumption based, the infinite growth paradigm must be crushed, the sooner the better. This could happen in our lifetimes... but it won't come from TV puppets like Al Sharpton who pray for a race war. We are already living in paradise, but most of us are just not awake to this fact.. open your minds, don't fall for the frenzy surrounding this case. These distractions are becoming increasingly obvious in their level of orchestration as world wide revolution spreads, and the elite lose their grip on power. Divide and conquer.. its the same old story... dont fall for it, unite and love!