Botrytis Cinerea big big problem


Active Member
Hi guys,
I'm really annoyed because of the bud rot. I don't know what to do to fight it. Here are some pictures that show it. What should I do ?
If I spray a solution of copper oxychloride? Could it help ? Do I have to harvest early? A solution with bacillus subtilis?

IMG_03.jpg IMG_01.jpg IMG_02.jpg


Well-Known Member
I like the bacteria options better for prevention. I don't know anything about copper oxychloride. Green Cure (potassium bicarbonate) is the shit for killing mold in flower in my experience. Diluted H2O2 can also work but it does not have the residual staying power of the potassium bicarbonate. You can spread spores everywhere when removing the affected areas so best to put something on them to sterilize the spores before cutting out.


Active Member
So the best way is to spray a solution of potassium bicarbonate all over the plant? Or is it better to use H2O2 more frequently? Then I'll cut off the entire bud, right? 2 weeks until harvest


Well-Known Member
So the best way is to spray a solution of potassium bicarbonate all over the plant? Or is it better to use H2O2 more frequently? Then I'll cut off the entire bud, right? 2 weeks until harvest
Both will kill the mold if you get the buds saturated. The Green Cure will remain on the leafs and keep killing for a while. Diluted H2O2 burns off in short order and offers no protection once it does burn off. H2O2 may also degrade your THC a little, but in my experience it is not a noticeable difference.


Well-Known Member
Cut out the all of the rotten parts(or whole) buds with sterilized scissors asap.
Spray with H2O2 at least a couple of times per day.
Good luck!


Well-Known Member
You gotta fight the good fight. Then you have to objectively decide if you won or not. But winning is possible.


Active Member
I don't really have many buds on these plants and most of them are infected, should I cut the whole bud or if the mold is on the lower part I can dig it out?


Well-Known Member
You can cut out the bad areas, but spray it first to sterilize the spores. Anything that doesn't get cut off that has mold will go brown and crispy with time, so you'll want to get rid of those areas as well. If it is everywhere and you don't have many buds, you might just want to call it grow over and pitch it, somewhere not near my house.