Bottom leaves yellow


Active Member
Hi every 1, my first post.

I have a problem... I have 3 month old plants about 2 to 2 1/2 feet tall.

the very bottom leaves are turning yellow and dying. I wasn't worried the first couple of times, but it keeps continuing on my beautiful plants.

I heard about Cal-Mag, but it's not easy to find.

I was hoping someone had some tips on what to do or on what could be the cause. I've come too far to wreck it now. :joint:


Well-Known Member
What kind of ferts? How much? Could be nitrogen deficient or lack of light to lower leaves. Soil or hydro? Did you check your PH?


Active Member
About to switch over to flowering. I'm using soil, B-Cuzz 3 stage fert., 400w mh right now... about to switch to 400w hps.


Well-Known Member
you have a three month old plant? u should be in bloow 12 on 12 off. the reason the bottome leaves are turning yellow is because the plant is taking phosphrus(sp) out of the bottom leaves and using it in the bloom process. it's common in this stage. get yourself some bloom nutes and start off at 1/4 strength and work your way up. depending on how long this has been going before you asked for help, you probably have another 2 or 3 months to go before you will be expecting a harvest. 12 hrs lites on, 12 hrs COMPLETE DARKNESS. seriously, try as hard as you can to make the room light-proof during those 12 hours, that is what causes a plant to think winter is comingm thus forcing it to bloom.


Well-Known Member
How much of the fertilizer are you using? How far away is your light? Did you check your PH? Its very hard to diagnose plant problems over the internet so the more info you can give the better otherwise all I can do is put out theories. We need to know how hot your room is, how humid, what type of soil, how often how much fertilizer, your soil ph, and pictures are helpful. Often lower leaves yellow due to being nitrogen deficient but this can be caused by nutrient lockout due to salt build up, PH problems, or simply not using enough ferts. So my advice is to check your soil ph, ensure you are fully soaking your plants when you water and letting some water drain out of the bottom. Make sure you read the directions on your ferts and be patient examine your plants closely if the yellowing is slowly moving up the plant you have a problem if it has stopped and new growth is vigorous then just keep on going. Also make sure your pots are big enough if you are going to start flowering 1 gallon per foot is a good rule. Your plants will double is size during flower so make sure you transplant to large enough pots before you start to flower them. good luck :peace:


Active Member
Man... good news, bad news. I'm about ready to start the 12 cycle, got the bloom nutes and all. I've got the ph testers too, but double in size and a gallon per foot is going to be a problem.:confused:

thnx though. :joint:


Well-Known Member
Some yellowing is normal..flower nutes are low in N..thats what is usually the prob.. you can give it a shot here and there of veg nute with a higher N..that might help..the yellowing won't stop most likely, but it might slow it down...all the plant energy is going to flowers and not leaves... Luck


Well-Known Member
Man... good news, bad news. I'm about ready to start the 12 cycle, got the bloom nutes and all. I've got the ph testers too, but double in size and a gallon per foot is going to be a problem.:confused:

thnx though. :joint:
Your plant is two feet now so it should be in a two gallon container. Before you flower you should put them in 4-5 gallon containers.


Well-Known Member
yeah if ur baby is getting that big than expect some of the bottom leafs to fall off and in flowering the same thgin