Branch Split after topping, weird new growth, do I have 5 tops now?


Well-Known Member
Ok, so on 5/13 I Fimmed the plant...

Pics right after the Fim job...

I thought I was gonna have 4 tops from that pic but it turned out I had two tops and two other growths in the center just NEVER grew... literally, they stayed these little nubs until 2 days ago... I had to do some moving and my Scrog screen slipped off the top of the tub... it split the top two branches down the middle, down the main stem. I got a clothes hanger and used it to apply pressure and have everything heal back... NOW since then, there is still new growth along the branches that split, my repair job has worked so far and nothing is dead or dying... But now these two slacking stems have started to really grow... Are these two new tops? And there's actually a really small 3rd thing... You'll see it in the pictures. Did my FIM job work and it just took me fucking up and doing a repair job to get growth to these other shoots?

Can anybody explain what's going on? Do I even make sense?


Well-Known Member
The FIM didnt work. You just essentially "supercropped" the plant by splitting the stem. When the plant sensed that a main branch was damaged, it sent hormones to the auxilliary shoots which took off growing.

I did the same thing. Split the main stem trying to bend the branches. I tied it up and the two branches on either side of the split produced the fattest colas in my whole garden.


Well-Known Member
The FIM didnt work. You just essentially "supercropped" the plant by splitting the stem. When the plant sensed that a main branch was damaged, it sent hormones to the auxilliary shoots which took off growing.

I did the same thing. Split the main stem trying to bend the branches. I tied it up and the two branches on either side of the split produced the fattest colas in my whole garden.

But those auxilary shoots seemed to be the growth I saw after the FIM I highlighted in the first picture. Something just seems weird about this.

I'm sstoned, so bear with me... My thought was that I fimmed it, it didn't work, it was just like topping it, I got two shoots... but there were 2 other shoots hiding, those weird little growths that never grew... So when I split the stem it made the plant think, of shit, we need new tops and started growing those two other tops that were hiding/never growing... But haha to you plant, I fixed you, so you didn't lose those original tops... So now I have 2 tops that have been growing for 2 weeks now, and 2 tops that just started to grow when I fake broke my plant.

Am I crazy?


Well-Known Member

The shoots grew because of the split stem, not because of the FIM. If it werent those two, some others would have grown in their place.

They arent really "tops", at least not from what I see. The tops are the uppermost growth tips. Those are secondary bud sites that got a boost.


Well-Known Member

The shoots grew because of the split stem, not because of the FIM. If it werent those two, some others would have grown in their place.

They arent really "tops", at least not from what I see. The tops are the uppermost growth tips. Those are secondary bud sites that got a boost.
I guess I'm just going to have to wait this out to see really because I feel like I'm not explaining myself clearly...

I get what your saying about secondary bud sites, but these are on the top most part of the plant, and growing straight up.... Not like when you top it and then the branches right below it start to take off... This was a split and then if you look at what I call "top #4" it looks like it is growing straight out of the swollen node. This is only my 3rd grow so I'm still learning a lot but I almost feel like these shoots that just started growing are the real tops... They are those little nubs in that first pic, in the center, that never grew till the split... So wouldn't that make them the top most?

I'm not saying I'm right, or anybody is wrong, I'm just trying to understand wtf happened and understand these plants a bit more. I feel like I need to draw a picture timeline to explain this all lol.


Well-Known Member
Ok, here's a crude drawing.


In the first pic I posted in this thread, the stuff growing now is what I had circled... It stayed those small nubs for 2 weeks after the FIM and then when the split happened they started growing... So does this mean those are the two new tops? Do I have 4 tops?

I care but I dont care. I care because I want to educate myself. Either way I know I'm getting great weed at the end, I'm just curious for different growing techniques.