Briefly Describe a Movie So That We May Guess...then pass it on


Active Member
With droogs in it, it must be the Orange. I was thrown by someone saying it had Tom Cruise in it ... cn
Ill give people a hint on mine: Tom Cruise(not the movie below)

Another one :"There was me, that is Alex, and my three droogs, that is Pete, Georgie, and Dim, and we sat in the Korova Milkbar trying to make up our rassoodocks what to do with the evening"

Not too hard, not too easy.
Moving on.."This room is... green. I wanna go back to the blue room."


Active Member

"The royal penis is clean, your highness."
Coming to America.

" Listen to me you little bitch! You either go out there and make that shot or I'm gonna shove your head so far up your fuckin' ass, you'll have to wear yourself as a hat!"

past times

Well-Known Member
"I want to be kyle, I knew this guy from camp. His name was Kyle, he was maybe thirteen. He got two girls pregnant man, 2 girls. Yeah. Who are you going to be?"

"I want to be steve"