(broadcasting from ground zero)

i think it sucks but its justified. i make money down here so i cant just dip. plus, id rather be here fighting this. i'll leave when the violence starts.

hey hemlock, since you have no compassion and a thirst for violence you might like this. i guess i was wrong, he was in a 4runner not a rav 4.


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Im not sure why everyone is making a big deal about this law. The cops are not going to go out of there way to harass every mexican they see. If they question someone all they have to prove is they are legal. Do you have ID or green card...Yes...have a nice day. I am behind this new law 100% because I detest people who come across our borders, don't pay taxes and take jobs away no matter how low paying they are from legal Americans. Nothing pisses me off more than going to a place of buisness and not understanding a word they say because they are to fucking lazy to learn the language of the country they have choosen to illegally occupy. I hope every state eventually adopts this law so that all the illegals will be sent packing.
Maybe if there were more tolerant ones in the UK you all would still be speaking German now....your pretty close to speaking ariabic anyway.

nononononono see, we fought the germans bcoz like you, they believe white blond haired blue eyed people are a master race, we on the other hand had abolished slavery and started respecting people for WHO they are, not WHAT they are, lemme break it down. see you say ur a nation, youre not, your a piece of land, a piece of land doesnt control who steps on or off it, its fools who block people off attempting to leave them piss poor and then wonder why they want to get on ur land so much, you wanna stop these problems, 1 word, COMMUNISM, u cant continue to say that capitalism works, its a barbaric system, it breeds hate fear and racism, i know that your 1a those assholes, "i fought in the war" blah blah blah, now seein as ur talkin bout arabs, lemme break it down, see britain is a great nation, were not frightened of muslims or arabs or any other people, we share so much with them, take jamaica for exampl, other than ruling them youd think we have nothing in common, well we do, our love for 1 another these days is mad, my parents are greek, when i was 14 15 16, every saturday me n my guys went down the local cafe, blacks whites asians and anyone else who wanted to come whould be there tuckin into a bacon egg and sausage, as martin luther king said, its not about the colour of your skin, its about the content of your character that matters, imagine if every penny the nations of the world spent on defense went to feeding clothing and educating every child on this planet, who needs war then.
uk, well put.

even if i dont agree with some of the other opinions, im glad at least this thread evolved into some intelligent talk.

thanks ak as well. i understand arizona has to take some sort of action, it just seems like this is a perfect law for a future bad leader to pick up in 10 years and run with it.

the non-english speaking population here is very reclusive to outsiders, i think this will only wedge us apart.
Im not sure why everyone is making a big deal about this law. The cops are not going to go out of there way to harass every mexican they see. If they question someone all they have to prove is they are legal. Do you have ID or green card...Yes...have a nice day. I am behind this new law 100% because I detest people who come across our borders, don't pay taxes and take jobs away no matter how low paying they are from legal Americans. Nothing pisses me off more than going to a place of buisness and not understanding a word they say because they are to fucking lazy to learn the language of the country they have choosen to illegally occupy. I hope every state eventually adopts this law so that all the illegals will be sent packing.

Good point. Quit your bitching and learn Cherokee.

Cause Columbus sure as hell didn't come here "Legally"

All these people want is jobs to feed there family.
You call them lazy, then in the same paragraph complain how they are taking jobs.

NEWSFLASH - If all mexicans were lazy that wouldn't be a problem.
i dont know y u yanks complain its not like mexicans dont bring good things wit them, sexy women, good food, decent music.
i know some people involved with the cartels and "the word is" there is a big push to get hitmen across the border before it tightens up in phoenix, and wait until until the new immigration laws take effect. once the inevitable abuses of the mexican people are reported in arizona they will take aim at the public officials who pushed this policy.

Oh yippie! Hitmen?! Those Mexican's sound real nice! Good thing if those little cry baby cartel's did in fact try something like this, the repercussions against Mexico as a whole, not only from the U.S. Govt but from around the world, would sink the country.

Screw that "hombre"... after what I've seen happen in the past few weeks, it's sickening. Mexicans burning my country's flag, stomping it on the street. Like I told a few friends of mine, if I saw that happening in MY city... there would be a few Mexican floating around the bottom of the river. They would be considered invaders of my land and as such... killed on sight.

The law Arizona passed is fully constitutional and mirrors federal law already in place, I'm glad Arizona had the balls to enact it as state law... and if I am needed to help defend my country's border, I'll certainly join up and help... after all, the past few weeks have me itchin' to terminate a few border crossers.

Disco, enlighten me what happens in other countries if you are found to be living there illegally... just give me a brief overview of say 4-5 different countries throughout the world that if I was to sneak across their border, what would happen to me? Your search will give you answers I don't think you'd really like to hear.

Good point. Quit your bitching and learn Cherokee.

Cause Columbus sure as hell didn't come here "Legally"

All these people want is jobs to feed there family.
You call them lazy, then in the same paragraph complain how they are taking jobs.

NEWSFLASH - If all mexicans were lazy that wouldn't be a problem.

That was 700 years ago... and hey, if you've got a bigger military, go ahead and try and take over a country... ukgrower should know this well, Britannia was the largest empire in the world, full of racism and slavery and human rights violations, but we just push that under the rug kind of like we do with our US history and Germany's history.

Also, who cares if all they want is jobs? Get here legally and work legally and you can have the job! I'd rather have them focus on making THEIR country better to work in, but I think they're too stupid to even care about these things, I've never been able to figure this out about the South and Central American countries... they are okay living the way they live, it's sad.

i dont know y u yanks complain its not like mexicans dont bring good things wit them, sexy women, good food, decent music.

I take it you haven't lived in a border state.
Good point. Quit your bitching and learn Cherokee.

Cause Columbus sure as hell didn't come here "Legally"

All these people want is jobs to feed there family.
You call them lazy, then in the same paragraph complain how they are taking jobs.

NEWSFLASH - If all mexicans were lazy that wouldn't be a problem.

you just gave me chills. (and it reminded me of the cherokee-hair tampons on south park.)

I take it you haven't lived in a border state.

no i havent do enlighten me bout how they have taken over etc etc, ive herd it b4 and i dont wanna hear it again, you wanna solve this issue, nationalise all banks and spread the wealth, give the mexicans and every1 else on earth the oppurtunity to live in thier own country and theyl take it.
no i havent do enlighten me bout how they have taken over etc etc, ive herd it b4 and i dont wanna hear it again, you wanna solve this issue, nationalise all banks and spread the wealth, give the mexicans and every1 else on earth the oppurtunity to live in thier own country and theyl take it.

Yes, trust the government of course... nationalizing banks, wow.

They have their own country, it's called Mexico... but they like to come to ours illegally.

Tell me what would happen if I just snuck into the UK, and when I was asked to produce ID, I had nothing... what would UK law enforcement do to me if I could not prove I was in your country legally.

Would they tell me to look into a nice one bedroom flat in east London? I seriously doubt it.
Yes, trust the government of course... nationalizing banks, wow.

They have their own country, it's called Mexico... but they like to come to ours illegally.

Tell me what would happen if I just snuck into the UK, and when I was asked to produce ID, I had nothing... what would UK law enforcement do to me if I could not prove I was in your country legally.

Would they tell me to look into a nice one bedroom flat in east London? I seriously doubt it.

I 100% agree with this guy. The Mexicans need to stop fuckin running out of their country for a 'better life' in the U.S. cause they're sinking our economy instead of fixing theirs! They need to stay in Mexico and fix their gov't. Fuck, the U.S. had a revolution now it's time for Mexicans to step up to the plate. Not saying I don't like Mexicans I have several 'illegal' friends but it really isn't good on paper.
Good thinking, I too have Mexicans friends that think EXACTLY as I do and stress to those they know that are not here legally the points many have made about going back and fixing your country, taking it away from the damn Cartel's... I'm sure if the Mexican gov't asked the US to assist in terminating the major cartels, we would assist. It benefits both of us greatly, but I think some people have their hands in certain other peoples pockets, which pretty much makes that dream impossible at the current time.
True it's probably so damn corrupt...wow thats shitty. I really never put a lot of thought into the issure before.
That was 700 years ago... and hey, if you've got a bigger military, go ahead and try and take over a country... ukgrower should know this well, Britannia was the largest empire in the world, full of racism and slavery and human rights violations, but we just push that under the rug kind of like we do with our US history and Germany's history.

Also, who cares if all they want is jobs? Get here legally and work legally and you can have the job! I'd rather have them focus on making THEIR country better to work in, but I think they're too stupid to even care about these things, I've never been able to figure this out about the South and Central American countries... they are okay living the way they live, it's sad.

Ah... You're alwas good for a chuckle. Lets take this one point by point.

"That was 700 years ago." So? What's your point? That makes it right? Tell that to the Native Americans who are forced to live on reservations if they want to know anthing about there culture.
Wait.. 700 years? Glad I'm not asking you for a history lesson.

"if you've got a bigger military, go ahead and try and take over a country" I don't even have to comment on this one to point out the stupidity.

"Britannia was the largest empire in the world, full of racism and slavery and human rights violations, but we just push that under the rug kind of like we do with our US history and Germany's history." Wow... All I can say is wow....

"Also, who cares if all they want is jobs? Get here legally and work legally and you can have the job! I'd rather have them focus on making THEIR country better to work in"
Who are the government to decide who should be allowed to live here? These people have had an open border for thousands of years they have more right to be here then you.

"but I think they're too stupid to even care about these things, I've never been able to figure this out about the South and Central American countries... they are okay living the way they live, it's sad."
Why don't you go down there and tell those big meanie drug cartels to leave them alone! Oh yeah, cause you're too high on your horse and it's easier to pass judgement.
You can't just say leave our town or else! They would kill one of your children in front of your entire family one by one until your whole family was dead. Then they'd force someone else to work the coca fields. You may find this hard to believe, but people don't want to see there families murdered in the name of a bullshit political line. It's easier to pack our shit and go.

If you don't like the neighborhood you're in, do you run around preaching at people to be more like you or do you fucking move?

You should go get sterilized, I'm dreading the thought of more of you.

Edit: I just read another post by you saying it's impossible for the mexicans to fix there government. Which one is it?
Ah... You're alwas good for a chuckle. Lets take this one point by point.

"That was 700 years ago." So? What's your point? That makes it right? Tell that to the Native Americans who are forced to live on reservations if they want to know anthing about there culture.
Wait.. 700 years? Glad I'm not asking you for a history lesson.
pff wtf they need to get over it. Build a museum and conform to the rest of society I mean damn the white man brought technology. BOOM STICK

"if you've got a bigger military, go ahead and try and take over a country" I don't even have to comment on this one to point out the stupidity.
Yep...that's life dawg the shark eats the guppie and the bigger dude kills the lesser. Survival of the fittest.

"Britannia was the largest empire in the world, full of racism and slavery and human rights violations, but we just push that under the rug kind of like we do with our US history and Germany's history." Wow... All I can say is wow....

"Also, who cares if all they want is jobs? Get here legally and work legally and you can have the job! I'd rather have them focus on making THEIR country better to work in"
Who are the government to decide who should be allowed to live here? These people have had an open border for thousands of years they have more right to be here then you.
Are you serious?! The gov't is the mothafuckin god hand of this country...the mothafuckin puppeteers! They have the right to say "If you ain't paying taxes and going through the process then gtfo." Event though IMO the legalization process should be way FASTER and CHEAPER cause honestly a broke mexican family can't afford like 2G's per person.

"but I think they're too stupid to even care about these things, I've never been able to figure this out about the South and Central American countries... they are okay living the way they live, it's sad."
Why don't you go down there and tell those big meanie drug cartels to leave them alone! Oh yeah, cause you're too high on your horse and it's easier to pass judgement.
You can't just say leave our town or else! They would kill one of your children in front of your entire family one by one until your whole family was dead. Then they'd force someone else to work the coca fields. You may find this hard to believe, but people don't want to see there families murdered in the name of a bullshit political line. It's easier to pack our shit and go.
Agreed, but at some point you have to realize running is only a band-aid at some point someone's going to have to fight and it's sure as hell not gonna be the clean up crew...uh hmm...gov't

If you don't like the neighborhood you're in, do you run around preaching at people to be more like you or do you fucking move?

You should go get sterilized, I'm dreading the thought of more of you.

I commented in blue. The main issue isn't that they're coming here(well kinda cause its taking up jobs but regardless) it's that they're ILLEGAL. But thats the gov'ts fault for making it so damn hard to become legal(From the point of view of a poor mexican family trying to get to the U.S.)
"That was 700 years ago." So? What's your point? That makes it right? Tell that to the Native Americans who are forced to live on reservations if they want to know anthing about there culture.
Wait.. 700 years? Glad I'm not asking you for a history lesson.

Please excuse me, 500 years ago (1492 they say)

"if you've got a bigger military, go ahead and try and take over a country" I don't even have to comment on this one to point out the stupidity.

That's how it has been for the history of the world, the bigger army wins. I think you should look up some history of the Empire's throughout the world and see how the got to their power, it surely wasn't through peace talks and tea.

"Britannia was the largest empire in the world, full of racism and slavery and human rights violations, but we just push that under the rug kind of like we do with our US history and Germany's history." Wow... All I can say is wow....

"Wow" is great for debates, it pretty much tells me you don't know shit, or have no basis on which is dispute the fact that Britannia was an evil empire, as most empire's are... if you can find evidence of them not having slaves, not violating the rights to yourself that you are born with, and weren't full of racists... please, produce them.

Who are the government to decide who should be allowed to live here? These people have had an open border for thousands of years they have more right to be here then you.

You must live in a dream land, it's the way of the world, the government controls the borders, it's their decision... who are they to decide? Maybe you should ask them.

Ohhhh, I know! I know! Tell them you're a "sovereign entity" and that the rules of the US do not apply to you. :roll:

Why don't you go down there and tell those big meanie drug cartels to leave them alone! Oh yeah, cause you're too high on your horse and it's easier to pass judgement.
You can't just say leave our town or else! They would kill one of your children in front of your entire family one by one until your whole family was dead. Then they'd force someone else to work the coca fields. You may find this hard to believe, but people don't want to see there families murdered in the name of a bullshit political line. It's easier to pack our shit and go.

No thanks, I'm thankful my ancestors told the "big meanies" or in our case, Britain, to leave us alone and fought them for that right.

Perhaps the Mexicans should get some balls and come together against the cartels, as we did against the British. They've had plenty of time.

If you don't like the neighborhood you're in, do you run around preaching at people to be more like you or do you fucking move?

You're comparing a neighborhood to a country, if my neighborhood had millions of inhabitants and we were "scared" of the cartels, I surely think we could come together and fight the cartels.

I think you should follow your next piece of advice yourself, I on the other hand will abstain from such stupidity.

You should go get sterilized, I'm dreading the thought of more of you.
Edit: I just read another post by you saying it's impossible for the mexicans to fix there government. Which one is it?

I said no such thing... please wear your glasses.

Here is what I said:

I'm sure if the Mexican gov't asked the US to assist in terminating the major cartels, we would assist. It benefits both of us greatly, but I think some people have their hands in certain other peoples pockets, which pretty much makes that dream impossible at the current time.
Meaning, the US govt and Mexican govt's cannot come together to fight the Cartel's because as we've heard and seen evidence of, each deals with the Cartel's on some sort of level... meaning until we get those in our govt who actually befriend the Cartel's, out... the dream of terminating said Cartel's is impossible at this point in time.
before i go, lemme just leave you with this thought...

if the united states wanted a reason to invade mexico and south america to get to that oil, do you think they would let something REALLY bad happen to get the american people on board? think about that border towns.
We're already in South America for oil... I know this first hand, visited the Philips rig off the coast of Venezuela with a family member a few years back.

So, who says we have to invade?

And besides, with all the oil they're letting out in the Gulf, the govt doesn't seem to be in much of a hurry to stop it... seems like they don't care if 5,000 barrels a day are flowing out, much more than that actually.