Brown leaves green flowers


This bruce banner 3 plant took a nosedive on me in veg and i never have been able to clear up her issues. Anyways i almost jerked her out by tue roots 59 times. But everytime i would talk myself out of it cause she would have a glimmer of some new green growth or something to make me have hope. But here she still is with ragedy ass leaves and green as hell buds. They’re not big ol buds by any means but for whatever reason they stay green and growing and the leaves all just die off. Anyone else ever had one like this. The buds are frosty and smell delicious. Won’t get much off of her but looks like what she does yield will be pretty decent, so i guess im gonna let her finish.



Well-Known Member
If I have fan leaves that are yellow I typically pinch them off after I water my plant.