brown lookin burns on pistols look burnt more than owt but there growning loverly par


hi there can i get bit ov advice my pistols on my cheese plants are starting to go brown 4 weeks in to flower and look like there burned but its not all over just odd few buds can u help please many thanks i use good vertilizer and i use canna boost spareing the for last 4 weeks ov flowering asince there in veg for first 4 weeks i fed it the dutd pro original bloomhydro/cokcs but i stopped using the dutchpro for the weekthey have ibeen in flower i just used the boost the i git told that i still need to feed the dutch pro bloom hydyo /cocos and thats my problem the pistels are looking like they have been burn but no ones near them so is the plant starting somety wrong i think its cos ive started useing the dutch pro and stopping for the veg then wen they went into flower started ive just feed boost till now 4weeks in to flower and now probs please help​


Active Member
pics would be helpful
if u touch the buds ,or brush past them ,eg( when watering) bumped them, it will make the hairs turn drown, does that help


pics would be helpful
if u touch the buds ,or brush past them ,eg( when watering) bumped them, it will make the hairs turn drown, does that help
it does in way but this looks more like they have burnt and shrivelleda little but thanks my freind for ur advice im not to worried as at 4 weeks there looking pukka thanks