Brown spots on fan leaves


Active Member
Okay, let's see here... so I've had this plant on 12/12 from seed, and like I said it showed sex about 3 weeks ago. It is in some potting soil + perlite, and it's been fed about 3 times now, once a week, since it showed sex. The first time at quarter strength, the last two times at half strength. I'm using AN Jungle Juice micro + grow + bloom. It is also worth noting that I have a problem with fungus gnats, so I have some sticky traps in my grow room and I have cut the humidity back as well as added another fan for circulation. Temps are fairly consistent between 75-79 with lights on and 63-68 with them off. Any other info I can give to help?


Well-Known Member
I may be wrong, but I don't think you are burning, unless maybe somehow you are splashing the leaves.
Even at full strength the three of them combined would only be a 7-6-11.
Have you inspected really well for other uninvited guests?


Active Member
I don't think it's nutrient burn either, I've been pretty mild about feeding I feel like. I don't think any spilled on the leaves though it is possible. I've checked for other bugs pretty well, and I'm pretty sure it's just fungus gnats. I've seen bugs landing on the leaves of some of my plants but they look like fungus gnats to me. I ordered some neem oil online so hopefully when that gets here it helps clear those up.