Brown Spots On Leaves (Pic Included)


About 5 days ago I started to see small brown spots on some of my older leaves, I don't have a soil pH tester yet so I'm fairly certain the problem could be Manganese lock-out due to improper pH. Other than the spots, the plant is doing terrific! Growth hasn't stunted, I havent seen any bugs or fungus other than a white powdery substance that seems to always appear on top of the soil.

My stats:

Plant: Barney's Farm LSD
Age: Vegging for 3 weeks
Soil: 25% Perlite, 25% Vermiculite, 50% Miracle Grow Organic Topsoil
Nutes: Vigoro All-Purpose Plant Food (10-10-10) with 0.10% Fe, 0.05% Mn, 0.05% Zn

Note: I started adding the nutes a couple of days ago, the spots on the leaf were present before I added them. The spots haven't gotten any better or worse since adding the nutes.

Any advice or anecdotes would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
How much nutes did you add? When you use that Vigoro, MG or any other chemical fert, start out at NO MORE than 1/4 strength. Plus remember, that MG soil has enough nutes in it for a while.

About 5 days ago I started to see small brown spots on some of my older leaves, I don't have a soil pH tester yet so I'm fairly certain the problem could be Manganese lock-out due to improper pH. Other than the spots, the plant is doing terrific! Growth hasn't stunted, I havent seen any bugs or fungus other than a white powdery substance that seems to always appear on top of the soil.

My stats:

Plant: Barney's Farm LSD
Age: Vegging for 3 weeks
Soil: 25% Perlite, 25% Vermiculite, 50% Miracle Grow Organic Topsoil
Nutes: Vigoro All-Purpose Plant Food (10-10-10) with 0.10% Fe, 0.05% Mn, 0.05% Zn

Note: I started adding the nutes a couple of days ago, the spots on the leaf were present before I added them. The spots haven't gotten any better or worse since adding the nutes.

Any advice or anecdotes would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
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Need to let it get a lil older before can say for sure but my wild guess is that you got the fan too close.
Need to let it get a lil older before can say for sure but my wild guess is that you got the fan too close.
Your wild guess intrigues me. I'm having a similar problem with one of my plants. It got worse when I did nothing, but, the plant is still flowering nicely so *shrug* Can you explain why you took that wild guess? I've never heard of that before.


Well-Known Member
I've had the same thing going on with one of my plants, lost like 3 or 4 lower fan leaves to it so far, but no stunted growth, no problems's kind of weird, and I have no idea what it's from.
Your wild guess intrigues me. I'm having a similar problem with one of my plants. It got worse when I did nothing, but, the plant is still flowering nicely so *shrug* Can you explain why you took that wild guess? I've never heard of that before.
It happened to me :

If the discoloration is not centering on the leaf veins or edges, my first guess will always be windburn if you got a flan blowin hard on em. Nute burn always shows on edges or originates from the leaf veins- If you look at the pictures of mine in that thread, the blotching is occuring on the weaker parts of the leaf, in between the veins. That clued me in about then I moved a plant with no blotched close to the fan to be sure and BAM~ blotches starting the next morning.