Brown Spots on Leaves???


Well-Known Member
I noticed a few brown dots on a leaf or two on one of my plants. I checked out the plant porblems and cures sticky, but I can't identify what it could possibly be. Any ideas? Plant is app. 18 days old. Using CFL's. MG organic soil. I pH my water... No nutes... Here is a pic.



Well-Known Member
Yea I was thinking that, not knowing what else it could be... I just watered last night. Should I flush it or just leave it alone until next watering?


Well-Known Member
I have a pH tester for water, but not for soil. And it is only happening on this plant (that I can see..) Why not the others?


Well-Known Member
i don't know why it happen only to this plant, but what type of soil r you using


Well-Known Member
hmm, don't know why the ph changed on you. but you can put alittle baking soda in your water to bring the ph up


Active Member
When I started my seedlings, they all had brown spots on them... I jus waived it off as the seed being of poor quality... (which was probably stupid of me) but eventually it went away... My ph was at 7.. everything was how it was supposed to be...


Active Member
Looks to me like your flowers are just burning up a bit,

Perhaps from water and the light magnifying it? Do the brown spots seemed dried out than the area around them?


Well-Known Member
I noticed a few brown dots on a leaf or two on one of my plants. I checked out the plant porblems and cures sticky, but I can't identify what it could possibly be. Any ideas? Plant is app. 18 days old. Using CFL's. MG organic soil. I pH my water... No nutes... Here is a pic.
I'd say that was leaf burn, probably from little droplets of water getting onto the leaf and acting as a magnifiying glass and burning the leaves.


Well-Known Member
I doubt that it is a heat problem especially if you are using cfl's......:twisted:

Did you flush the soil before planting them because miracle grow has nutrients in itself..... if not you could try it, I flushed mine the other day and now they look 3 times better than before!


Well-Known Member
Temp is rarely over 85 where the plants are under the lights. The air moving around is around 70-75 at night it can get down in the 60s. I know it can't be a heat problem. I have a fan blowing on them while the lights are on. Also have a CPU fan 35cfm at top of box for exhuast running 24/7 and a passive intake down at the bottom. I am using CFL's, but I keep them within 1" or so. Not sure of humidity. No I did not flush the soil when I transplanted although I watered them fairly heavy after the transplant as Mr. Cervantes suggested. Also I think the MG perlite has some nutes in it, but a fairly small amount. Its seems to be spreading. I will check them tomorrow to see if it has gotten worse. Thanks everyone for your input.