Browning curling leaves


Well-Known Member
I've been having the same issue since the word go, every single plant I grow hits roughly week 5 in flower and starts wilting away to nothing. I am using X nutrients full strength, 1 tsp cal/mag and ph'd to 6.3 - 6.4. Each round of plants I have tried less nutes, more nutes, cal/mag, double checking PH and still I get this. Everything is under an air cooled 1000w HPS and in happy frog soil.

Any thoughts or suggestions are welcomed.



New Member
well first off i you ph is the issue locking out other key elements next time try to maintain 6.8 - 7.0 ph you will see a major difference


Well-Known Member
Flush with proper pH. Looks like P. That soil has organic nutes so full strength isn't needed. Xnutrient folk are cool ask 'em about your tomatoes.


Well-Known Member
What should proper PH be? The Xnutrients schedule says maintain 5.5 - 6.5, which I have been following religiously.

Even with 1/2 strength nutes they all start doing this.

Today is feeding time, so I will Ph to 6.7-6.8 and see how they like it.