BT, neem, soap and an atomizer/fogger


Well-Known Member
Would it work?

I've been told biological means such as BT can't be used in an atomizer/fogger

Anyone have the scoop on this?

Thanks in advance!


Well-Known Member
I haven't heard nothing like that, I use a paint gun and BT and Spinosad still works for me. But if there is any evidence to back up what you're saying I could probably get away with spraying a lot less. I spray every 2 weeks religiously until I can't spray with anything else but tap water.


Well-Known Member
I haven't heard nothing like that, I use a paint gun and BT and Spinosad still works for me. But if there is any evidence to back up what you're saying I could probably get away with spraying a lot less. I spray every 2 weeks religiously until I can't spray with anything else but tap water.
What are you doing still awake . Lol
My stomach woke me up am I got to thinking about some things and can't fall back asleep so here I am. Lol