Bubba Kush cure fucked up.......


Well-Known Member
Wet weed loses 75% of its weight. If by curing you ment drying then yes you will end up with a little bit of weed.
That being said you should not talk to that guy anymore or just avoid him for a while. He sound like a fucked up friend.

Rocky Top High

Well-Known Member
In the south, we call that..."Letting the fox watch the hen house"...LOL

The damage is done but you broke the cardinal rule of growing...DON'T TELL ANYONE!!!!! I understand you needed some help with the cure but there were other options. If he knew about your grow all along then you were asking for disaster.

I am not piling on. You have already been kicked in the junk so you don't need some stoned redneck like myself lecturing you but you asked...
He has you by the short hairs so IMHO, I would distance myself from him.

I have a friend who I am closer to than my own brother. He was best man at my wedding...We play golf together every week...We go watch college football together every game in a great setting...I have known him for 35+ years. We share just about everything BUT he knows nothing about my grow and has probably smoked 3 oz's of my weed. I care to much about him to even put him in that situation. Whatever you do, NEVER ever break the cardinal rule of growing where it is highly illegal. DON'T TELL! :peace:
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Active Member
Well actually when I got home I noticed they left both the worked stemless bub($300) and there dome perc bong($200). So it might be a good trade off after all. :joint:


Well-Known Member
Well actually when I got home I noticed they left both the worked stemless bub($300) and there dome perc bong($200). So it might be a good trade off after all. :joint:
yeah good idea chump you fuck that dude now and he will narc on you. your best bet is to walk, thats what i would do. or continue to be a chump. :joint: my .2


Active Member
dude u can't forget the time ,effort you but into it and water, power and that was ur shit
id woop someones ass but that is me but if ur cool with it then it's cool next time cure it urself LOOSE LIPS SINK SHIPS


Well-Known Member
I trust a couple people to do that shit, only because they know I would bleed them dry if they fucked with my lovelies. So much love goes into that and he blows it in four days dude thats just ridiculous, it pisses me off thinking about it. With me and my buddies even if we just pitch in on bud together we wait till everyone is there, even if you just threw in 10 bucks, you wait till all the homies are there to smoke what is theirs. IF i trusted someone to cure for me, I would promise them a cut a when I got back for curing properly (and your buddy apparently did a shit cure job, then smoked it all, even the trimmings!!) I would be livid man. livid.

*bar of soap in a sock...two swings two the nuts two to the face, he'll be sore asssss fuck when he wakes up.


Well-Known Member
yeah...that ish is bogus as hell...a total instance of disrespect... i wouldnt talk to him again...trust would have no binding whatsoever...what a fuckin prick
you let this goof troop cadet just hang at your crib and he did all this....thats low on the totem pole my friend...dude sounds like a huge dick skinner...he owes you big. its like people think if it's not theirs then who gives a shit...itll come back to him eventually though...stay up haha


MANNN that shti is bogus as hell and you know it mayne, regardless of the fact that thats yo guy, obviously he didnt care. He basically said that you aint worth two nickels rubbed together. Seems like dude need some ActRight

LAX Skunky BwS

Well-Known Member
I had a 30g (not including the nug I'm bring on the trip) bubba kush plant curing in my closet for roughly 4days and when I was gone on a trip for 9 days i left my other babies(bigbud#9[] and snowwhite) in the hands of a good friend. And because that is a pain to water them I told him he could have 14g's of the curing bubba kush. Well when I got back the whole bubba kush plant was fully smoked and he had made BHO out of the trimmings(that was also smoked). He is telling us that they took all the bud out of the closet and let it cure under a fan(blowing directly on it) and they fucking put it under a light... They said after they cured it for 5days, all together, it all weighed 9g's. I know they fucked it because I had one 10.5g nug curing and they said after curing it only weighed 2.5grams. The thing I don't get is I brought a 10g nug(uncured) on the trip and we smoked it over 8days. They said they smoked the whole plant over the first 4days of my trip. My question is: Can you over cure bud making it weigh alot less? Because it seems like it was cured to a crisp making it less dense thus letting them smoke more of my nug.
oh and btw they also broke my only bong...

next time dont go on trips in between grows.. and count on friends to do your work