bubble bucket ph problems

Hi Guys
I made a diy bubble bucket to clone some plants around the house in

My system is simple its a bucket with a 300 litre Per hour Air pump and Air Stone
with tap water phed to 5.5 for some reason my PH Keeps Rising it rises to about
7.4 and kind stabilizes but i dont know why its doing it ? can some one please help me


Well-Known Member
Plain water absolutely does not need to be ph'ed. Ph affects nute uptake via roots. No roots= no nutes= no ph adjustment.


Well-Known Member
Most tap has shit in it like Fluoride, pharma residues from people flushing outdated meds, among other things the municipality adds. Plus who knows what quality Ca etc they buy (cheap chinese?) to neutralize acidity

Try a test with distilled water, or RO water if there is a near by RO dispenser

I add a pinch of high quality sea salt for the minerals


If you are using tap water try this, fill a separate bucket with water and place an air stone in that bucket and let it bubble for 24hrs. Then add your nutes, and let it bubble for another hour then PH the bucket. If you are nuting the water test the PPM of the water before you add it and then test it once a day. If the PH drops and the PPM's dont you have TOOO much nutes, if you have a high PH and a low PPM you dont have enough nutes....but you have to bubble tap water for 24hrs to allow a lot of the chemicals to bubble out of the water. ~.^


Well-Known Member
Bullshit. I cant believe the things people do and tell others to do. He is cloning and not using nutes, so any ideas that way is no help. Here it is with never worrying about anything: water+nutes+additives then adjust ph. I run multiple 50gal res's and within 5 min of filling from tap it is mixed and ready to use. K.I.S.S. dont work yourself work your plants.


just ph it every few days if it needs ph down then do it its natural to fluctuate ,ph rises in veg and lowers in bloom or visa versa (only slightly)
thanks guys

i have tried to adjust the ph a few times but i jus burnt and killed most of the clones
i might jus stick with the plain water method :P