I searched around here on the forum on the topic "flushing" and I found an amusing thread
This guy starts a thread and asks this:
I've read a bit about flushing nutes about a week b4 flowering. This is my first grow and plants are looking quite nice. They have been flowering forever and i would say they better b done in 2-4 weeks. anyways i read that you must flush a week b4 cutting those bitches down. I would like to ask what the consequences will b if i dont do this.
4 minutes later he posts this questions:
And also, flushing is simply overdosing the plants with water, correct? If its that simple, how do i know how much water is safe to give them at once?
4 minutes after that he posts this:
well, i've picked the plants and microwaved them allready and contrary to what i hear, the smoke was EXTREMELY SMOOTH. i dont know why, but ive never flushed them and if this was the result of enhaleing fertalizer vapor into my lungs, then hell yes, i want to do it again
Didnt he say he thought hes plants had another 2-4 weeks to go? 8mins after that statement he has chopped hes plant(s), microwaved it and ready for a smoke report. LMAO
Impatient SOB...hahaha!!!