Bubblicious first time grow, 48d 19/5, 7d 12/12 with 400whps with pics, advice?


Active Member
Hay guys, firstly thanks to the people on this site who have helped me get this far, much appreciated!

Just an update on how things are going with a little request for advice.

2 plants both bubblicious fems from nirvana.

Spec is 400w hps, peat/perlite pre nuted soil mixed with more perlite and baby bio nutes used during veg 10-4-2 and a lil mol to boot, in 30ltr tubs, not sure what that is in gal but its ample, got some canna 13/14 and i inten do use this with a lil baby bio during flower.

Lights on temps are 21c (70f) although it gets colder at times, spesh during lights out. PH is 6.5 in bout 7-7.5 out.

I have a dranage issue and i think this is causing some of the problems you will see in 2 of my pics, pots can take a week to dry well. One problem is the curling of the leaves which is very slowly spreading another smaller problem is a bottom leaf has dry'd but is still green but this may have been caused by nute burn in early veg.

