Buckle up


Well-Known Member
Ya'll enjoying Bidens economy? You voted for this. Buckle up, it's going to get worse before the demented pedophile is out of office.
I like how Trumper‘s are real quick to blame Biden for the economy when in all reality the man doesn’t control the price of gas doesn’t control inflation in fact inflation is something that is developed over a period of time not overnight if anything recessions are always after a republican president and if you want to thank anybody for the relations that we have with foreign countries right now thank Trump not Biden not saying that Biden is the best choice I don’t think any 70+ year old white man is a good choice right now to lead this country but I think it says a lot to the ignorance of people that blame him for the bullshit we’re dealing with right now
Say, Pluto's not a planet anymore, what's up with that?
That is a sick sad tale. It all began when Mars decided it could run with the gas giants. The resultant populist MTSSGA campaign was traumatic Systemwide. Pluto loved the Red Planet’s promises of better representation of rural interests (and, not incidentally, its whiteness) but failed to uncheck the box donating its title as planet. It was a cold day on Pluto when the decertification letter arrived.

Terrestrial astronomers became aware of these realignments indirectly. Uranus and Neptune kept drifting to the right of their calculated positions. The hypothesis at the cutting edge: their orbits are being perturbed by shadowy donations from compact massive invisible sources nicknamed Killer Objects in the Cometary Halo aka KOCHs.
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