Bud Factor X

Why don't you show us where these cheaper alternatives are instead of talking about it. Prove what you claim.

A 10 second google search throws this information up:

Harpin Protein:

Harpin Alpha Beta protein, a powerful new plant technology.
HALO is foliar applied or used as a seed or tuba pre-treatment. Halo’s unique natural protein leads the plant to believe it is under attack, this ‘tricks’ the plant and naturally forces the plant to ‘defend itself’ turning on stress-defense sic~(SAR) and growth systems and reproducing very rapidly. If a plant ‘believes’ it is under attack, it will grow and reproduce at rapid rates as a means of ensuring it’s survival. This results in a healthier and more productive plant with an increase in crop vigor, stamina, nutrient uptake and reproductive growth (depending on time of application).
absolutely no reason to use it as foliar additives. lots of additives/nutrients recommand foliar feed but they are wrong. foliar uptake is based on the POD of the salt and most of the salt are not suitable because their POD is too high.Magnesium sulfate , for example , is often recommanded for foliar feeding in case of mg def, but this is not effective.Much more effective to apply at rootzone.

The only suitable and common salt for foliar feedings is calcium chlroride, magnesium nitrate and calcium nitrate. Some organic extracst are beneficial too , like kelp/seaweed but thats a different subject.

keep it simple and stay away from AN.

peace :)
No, the mag from epsom is assimilated up to 75% within 2-4 hours given you match the right pH 6-7 and use RO.
It's the S in it that's only very slow uptaken

I told you months back that carbohydrates is only for feeding beneficial bacteria so it's completely unnecessary feeding two bottles of the snake oil.
Absolutely untrue. Of course the plant can take up sugars as the mokecules are tiny enough to pass the plasmamembrane. Read it again